Electrical issue


Jul 17, 2024
Cleves ohio
Vehicle Details
5.0 91 thunderbird sport
Country flag
My 91 Thunderbird I'm having issues with interior lights and power mirrors keeps blowing the fuse sometimes it will not other times it pops I've checked the wiring harness and everything for bare wires as far as I could without tearing the dash out are there any tips suggestions I'd appreciate it and thanks for welcoming me to the club
The difficult thing here is replicating it, the way you state the scenario it’s intermittent.
Keeping an eye on the fuse while you pinch, jiggle and move wires around, wiggle the bulbs some and see if anything causes the fuse to blow.
If it blows immediately, you can remove all the bulbs then replace them one by one to narrow down the path of failure.
Have you done any work recently where you might have disturbed any of the wiring?

Welcome! Cleveland, eh? Happy gray skies day (oh wait, that's most days here! :rofl:)

When does the fuse blow? Is it just randomly blown sometimes when you get in the car, or is there a certain task you can do to cause it to blow instantly?
Sometimes it blows immediately when I plug it in other times I can plug one in and everything works fine and I don't know I get in and out of the car a few times and then the next time it won't work there's been sometimes when I plugged it in and it was working and I was sitting there with them on and Boom it blew
Have you done any work recently where you might have disturbed any of the wiring?

None really other than trying to figure out why my turn signals and reverse lights weren't working the kid I bought the car off of screwed the wiring all up but it was working fine even after I figured all that out all of a sudden it just started happening although I did change the interior around I've got super Coupe gray on black leather with the fold-down seats black carpet and everything in so I don't know if I pinch the wire through there or what I don't have a garage so I'm waiting for a cool day to tear it apart I guess
Dude, all those issues are the mlps. You can buy one, but repairing your oem one is better, and will last longer. Why ford thought it was a good idea to run the brake and tail ights as well as the headlights, thru the same fucking switch. I came close to being taken out by a semi, due to no brakelights. Remove the mlps, disassemble it, watching how the spring goes. clean the copper sliders and contacts with sandpaper , fill the housing with dielectric grease, and reassemble.
Yes, the mfs, not mlps. all the lights run thru the blinker switch. Sorry.
Okay that's wild though damn turn signals work with no problem but yet freaking interior lights and mirrors don't it's always the little things never fails thanks guys I appreciate it and again thanks for welcoming me to the club

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