Cooling temp sensor wiring


Feb 12, 2024
Bmore, Muderland
Vehicle Details
1993 Thunderbird LX 5.0 (w/42k on the clock)
Country flag

I hope someone can help. Its been some years since I had my last 5.0 bird (91) and installed an aluminum Rad/Fans. I have a 93 5.0 and I dont remember how I wired it so the fans came on when the car hit the correct temp. Im installing a 3 core rad with two 14" fans and a 180 stat. I seem to remember I connected the hot wire to pin 14 the high speed fan wire but since my old laptop crashed, I lost all of my mod notes.

I have two relays and all of the wiring, I just dont remeber where to connect them to. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I need to get the car running to take it an hour a way and store it in my brothers garage. Thanks for the help.
You might want to get a wiring service manual from eBay. I see several for a 93 T-Bird.

Here is one:

Mine has been invaluable for wiring issues like yours.

From the 93 FSM .. I don't have the EVTM for this year. The aftermarket fan kits usually have their own temp sending unit / sensors to correspond with fan operation ( switches that close at predetermined Temps) - not sure how you originally wired your setup.
That is really nice of you to get a pic of the wiring diagram dDUBb.
That does show, pin 14 is not the trigger for the fan.

Post a pic of what you have. You will need :
Fan low(relay trigger)
fan hi.(relay trigger)

With two fans, I'd running one on low, both on hi, and see if it works ok.
There is no factory "trigger" - the 5.0 didn't come with an electric fan.

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