Thanks XR... I'll have to take a look at the ones I bought to rebuild #3s 4.6 until cylinder pitting from coolant sitting made the decision for me. I'll post pics and ask questions.
One other big difference is the total lack of oil squirters on the plastic ones, which makes the slides wear badly. The chains on the drivers side slide were already into the metal backing. My engine also had two crank gears and a cast trigger wheel; I reused my iron tensioners. I took them apart to clean them; there's a roll pin you can pull, and disassemble the piston and ratchet assembly. I got the whole front end kit from nick, not too long before he passed. i got to talk to him on the phone about porting, and loudspeaker design. He had a patent on the copper former the voice coil is wound on these days. It's a shorting ring, that uses eddy currents to stabilize the voice coil in a long-travel setup. All speakers are long travel these days, except tweeters.
Another issue I was told to watch with new hardware up front: Avoid the temptation to get "one more tooth" on the ratchet. It will wear out the front cam bearing quickly, if you overextend the ratchet by one click. I did this by accident, and the engine was hard to turn it was so tight. I removed the tensioner, and installed it again.There are no seals in the iron ones; they are designed to leak oil everywhere, to cover the chains.