I'm not going to go into the full story of this 1989 Super Coupe, except to say I bought it for $140, 14 years ago with a bad rod knock. It was a pretty clean 5 speed car, and I knew the original owner. Fast forward to summer of 2022, and I noticed that the rear glass was shattered. So it was decision time; either junk it, sell it, or make it road worthy again. I had a complete engine, still strapped to a shipping pallet, that I had bought many years ago, also. Well, I decided to fix it! It is never as easy, or as cheap as you plan. A word of warning to those that think getting an old anything "usable", that has been sitting for years in a barn, or field is as simple as just getting it started. It is has been a work in progress, but gets better all the time. I've pulled the engine in and out a couple of times, and have put 3K miles on it.