
So i just spent about $350 to have a positraction differential sent to me after my mechanic said my old rear end was going out. Paid him $220 to install it. Still getting a noise only on acceleration , and it doesnt always happen. It sounds like a desk dragging on the ground. I was thinking could possibly be the wheel bearings, but he said they were fine. Or the cv axle which he also said was fine. Someone who deals with birds in Ohio asked if my driveshaft was making contact with my gas tanks heat shield . Admittedly , I have no tools myself and no jack. I want to bend the heat shield out of the way if possible and see if the noise still occurs. You can hear the engine noise change, and then its followed by this noise, if I let off the gas it'll go away. If I accelerate harder it will go away. Usually happens while im maintaining a certain speed .