Seam Sealer


1st Gear Poster
Jul 19, 2024
Vehicle Details
93 SC
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Found some leaks on the SC one is obvious, the seam sealer drivers side trunk. I saw some 3m Seam Sealer online and was wondering if anyone has experience with this (best bang for the buck and what tooling is needed)? Open to other suggestions too.

Any input on leak on passengers side dash leaking down to foot wheel.
3M makes good stuff. The leak at the passenger front is most likely the air inlet for the HVAC. If you remove the cowl on that side, there is a black plastic oval shaped thing that is seam-sealed to the actual cowl panel. That seam sealer cracks and water that comes down the windshield can leak around it into the car. For that, I usually use Right Stuff RTV instead of regular seam sealer, since it not only seals it but holds it in place better.
Let me confirm the 310ml tube can be used with a standard caulk gun and the sausage tube you just squeeze out?
Yes common water Leake on passenger side is the fresh air vent for your hvac. It can leak water straight to your computer so that needs to be addressed ASAP I did mine a few years ago after my computer got water in it I used rtv and haven't had an issue since
The trunk leak on mine was passenger side and NO the Spray flex seal won't work. I would use the 3M. If it is as good as their weatherstriping adhesive you will done after application. Thanks for the answer to the front footwell leak. I have looked for years with lots of frustration. Now how far does that eye on the wiper arm need to pull out to allow removal? I have never gotten mine off and they need painting terribly bad.
A tip for removing the wiper arms; turn the wipers on, then turn the key off when they are in the full up position. In this spot, you can lift the arm up enough to easily get the retaining tab out and take the arm off. Only thing to remember is before taking them off, use some masking tape to mark the windshield where the blades are so you can put them back in the right spot.
Found some leaks on the SC one is obvious, the seam sealer drivers side trunk. I saw some 3m Seam Sealer online and was wondering if anyone has experience with this (best bang for the buck and what tooling is needed)? Open to other suggestions too.

Any input on leak on passengers side dash leaking down to foot wheel.
Have you thought about replacing the current seals with new ones? I guess its common for those areas to leak. I know on my Mark VII, it had leaks similar to what you are experiencing and it was a common flaw on that model.

I did a quick search on the web for "3M weather sealant for cars" and several of them came up for automotive needs.
A tip for removing the wiper arms; turn the wipers on, then turn the key off when they are in the full up position. In this spot, you can lift the arm up enough to easily get the retaining tab out and take the arm off. Only thing to remember is before taking them off, use some masking tape to mark the windshield where the blades are so you can put them back in the right spot.
Never though of using tape, I've always just settled using the key alone. Will be using the tape to make it easier from now on.

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