Full length SFC’s


4th Gear Poster
Sep 23, 2023
Vehicle Details
1994 Thunderbird LX
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Were there ever any write ups or parts list for the full length subframe connectors, like the ones Rod made?

I know he has no interest in making them again, but I’d like to fab up my own.


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Johnny Langton made braces years ago, unfortunately he passed away and I think all his info got lost when those assholes upgraded the forums from VBulletin.

In terms of the design the JL braces replace the underbody floor pan brace, and from there bridge to the front frame rails forward and bridge to the subframe stabilizer bracket mounts(eg the rear frame rails) back. It’s a 5 piece design, as I recall looking at them probably 1/8 wall 1” square tube and 5/16” thick flat stock as far as bill of materials.
Were there ever any write ups or parts list for the full length subframe connectors, like the ones Rod made?

I know he has no interest in making them again, but I’d like to fab up my own.
IIRC, the SFC's I produced used 1-1/2" x 1/8" square tubing and the front K-member braces were 1-1/4" x 1/8", but my memory is foggy, as that was around 2011-2012. It would be pretty easy to figure out though by measuring the front frame stub width and comparing to these images.

IIRC, the SFC's I produced used 1-1/2" x 1/8" square tubing and the front K-member braces were 1-1/4" x 1/8", but my memory is foggy, as that was around 2011-2012. It would be pretty easy to figure out though by measuring the front frame stub width and comparing to these images.

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Thanks Rod!
I seen these on a Lincoln forum. Round tube and looks super easy, guy said he went to his muffler shop and it took about 3 hours maybe less.

if your car is like mine dropped like mine, them bitches are gonna scrap everywhere. On steep driveways I have to be carful I can only imagine another 1.5-2” less ground clearance. I think Rods car is a lil bit higher than ours judging off his pictures.

i went to a muffler shop and did mine the JL style. It’s ready simple to make and i have alot more clearance to the ground. Buuuut I’m also wondering about doing Rods design to see what difference it makes. Which Im Sure it will because its solid mount on the frame rail and rear IRS.

I went a pretty simple route to start. 1"×3/4" tube, 4' long. I hammered the dimple at the end of the frame rail down so the tube would slide inside. I put a slight bend in each one to clear the fuel tank. I then bolted them directly to the subframe. These are temporary, as I learned a few things on making these and will be making better ones. I should have used 1 1/2" × 3/4" tubing, I had to put spacers in the frame rail so it wouldn't collapse when I tightened the bolts. Also, they need to be 4-6" longer. Then the floor angles up and makes it much easier to drill the cross holes in the rails. Next, I plan on eliminating the cross brace that goes under the exhaust and incorporating that into the braces as well. Then towards the rear I'll come off the other side with another arm to hit the body by the pinch weld. The rear bolt mounting it to the subframe could have a bushing added as well, but everything on my car is pretty solid now anyway and its super smooth as it is so that still to be decided when I build the next set.20230930_141320.jpg20230930_141336.jpg20230930_141351.jpg
I seen these on a Lincoln forum. Round tube and looks super easy, guy said he went to his muffler shop and it took about 3 hours maybe less.

if your car is like mine dropped like mine, them bitches are gonna scrap everywhere. On steep driveways I have to be carful I can only imagine another 1.5-2” less ground clearance. I think Rods car is a lil bit higher than ours judging off his pictures.

i went to a muffler shop and did mine the JL style. It’s ready simple to make and i have alot more clearance to the ground. Buuuut I’m also wondering about doing Rods design to see what difference it makes. Which Im Sure it will because its solid mount on the frame rail and rear IRS.

That looks like Driller's car.

I haven't scraped mine since I installed them 11+ years ago. If you saw my road, you'd wonder how. :) The car is lowered, but it isn't slammed.

Those aught to be fine for a 1" drop, but frankly I’ve only once come close to bottoming out the mid body and I was doing something stupid, most scraping I’ve ever encountered from being low is the K member. The JL ones are real low profile since they mount beside the frame rail rather than below it, but the tradeoff is that it’s not quite as secure of a mount. I'd really like to weld the front half of the JL style braces to the frame rails/floorpan where they normally bolt, and just leave the diagonals under the tank bolt-on for obvious reasons.
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I plan to bring my car back to the shop that's working on it after I have exhaust and everything installed. I'd like to run beside the frame rail and bolt through them. Then bolt to both subframes. We'll see what there's room for after everything else is there.

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