You want a stall to be closer to the power band. Higher horsepower tends to be in higher RPM, and to use that you want a converter to slip until that RPM. That way it grabs in or closer to the power band.Another stupid question... what difference does the stall speed mean to me? Why should I prefer a 2100 stall vs. a 1500 stall?
Thanks for the recommendation on Transtar. I was on board with the Marauder converter for our car, but there are so many different rebuilders out there. If you look long enough they all have extremely negative reviews, by some pretty angry people. I don't need anything much more than a stock converter for the type of driving our car sees.
Does Ford still offer the marauder converter over the counter anymore? I haven't asked in a long time. I've purchased rebuilt Marauder converters from Transtar from my transmission wholesale parts supplier. You just have to know what to ask for.