misfire cylinder 5


5th Gear Poster
Lifetime Supporter
Sep 22, 2023
Vehicle Details
96 Cougar 4.6L
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I got home from work today and the smurf was idling a little rough, I revved it a couple times in the driveway and she seemed off. So I grab my tablet with Torque and pull a pending misfire on cylinder 5 code. Pop the hood and the wire for spark plug 5 comes right off. Add a fresh coat of dielectric grease and reinstall, we'll see how see feels tomorrow. The engine was hot so I didn't see if the spark plug was seated solid. But will take a look tomorrow.
In the dark with all lights off Rev it up from under the hood. If you have a shorted spark plug wire you'll see it arcing
If it's dry out it can be toughto see; misting it gently will help show it. A stream can be followed by the spark, and that's a bitch on a 4.6. Especially barefoot, lol.
You can just run your hand along it, with the other one on the core support; that's the quickest way to find it. :) Although,
Lol, peeing on it Might be less painful, lol. Post a video. :)
I grabbed a wire that was working fine, with one hand on the core support. Don't do that either, lol.
Current crossing the heart, not fun...

The misfire happened again coming home from work. Upon inspection the wire was popped off the plug again. I pushed it back on and made it home just fine.
The next morning using some needle nose I bent the contact, hopefully it will stay on this time. Been about a week so far.
DC won't usually kill you; it's like a defibrillator they use to restart your heart. A wall socket is what kills people. It's not pleasant, tho. :)
neither DC nor AC are pleasant to me, but we may have different definitions of pleasant. :)
you haven't lived until you fire up a piece of equipment in your lap, and your sweaty ass shorts it out. :) I got 110V, 3000V, and 2000V, from 3 places at the same time, lol. Did I mention, it was in my lap?

One of these.

Funny enough, this is one of the last ones I made, about 1998.
you haven't lived until you fire up a piece of equipment in your lap, and your sweaty ass shorts it out. :) I got 110V, 3000V, and 2000V, from 3 places at the same time, lol. Did I mention, it was in my lap?

One of these.

Funny enough, this is one of the last ones I made, about 1998.
I've been looking for one of those, been thinking of doing some spectromiting...
I used to make those; they are used for finding leaks in high vacuum equipment. And seperating uranium, lol. Small company with a specialized userbase, lol. We made some cool, shit; we made a machine that tested 55 gallon drums in 6 seconds. Much better and faster than trying to hold it underwater, and looking for bubbles, which is what they did do before us. It pumped it down to a hard vacuum, hit it with a shot of helium inside, and checked the outside for helium. Almost space-level vacuum in 6 seconds. :zdevil:
I was running thru the test barrels one day, which were stored outside. :) Just as I put one on the feeder, I heard something bounce around inside. After the test failed, we found a tuft of fur that was a mouse, before he exploded and freeze dried, in 6 seconds. It was sobering, to me. I was in a 70 foot chamber at Nasa Ames, without a spacesuit. It would have sucked to be the mouse:O

We had a windows crash while they were working on it, and the software that ran it was vb4 based. It vented the outside with a hard vacuum in the inside. It crushed a stainless barrel to 10" high in seconds, then spit it out on the floor, lol.
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I used to make those; they are used for finding leaks in high vacuum equipment. And seperating uranium, lol. Small company with a specialized userbase, lol. We made some cool, shit; we made a machine that tested 55 gallon drums in 6 seconds. Much better and faster than trying to hold it underwater, and looking for bubbles, which is what they did do before us. It pumped it down to a hard vacuum, hit it with a shot of helium inside, and checked the outside for helium. Almost space-level vacuum in 6 seconds. :zdevil:
I was running thru the test barrels one day, which were stored outside. :) Just as I put one on the feeder, I heard something bounce around inside. After the test failed, we found a tuft of fur that was a mouse, before he exploded and freeze dried, in 6 seconds. It was sobering, to me. I was in a 70 foot chamber at Nasa Ames, without a spacesuit. It would have sucked to be the mouse:O
That's pretty wild stuff. I can't even imagine the things you've seen/done. I'm just a simple mechanic!
Working on cars was my stress relief, lol. The other part was all Type-a high stress hell. But it paid well. :) The ethics were terrible; I know bikers who have murdered people that had 10 times the integrity of those guys.

I've been moving a transmission for two days; I put a tub with a complete transmission in it, that I covered in fluid, and covered it ~5 years ago. At the time, I picked the tub up, and set it on top of another box of stuff. I can't straightarm 150lbs now, lol. So, I'm unloading it into another one. Of course, I need the box under it. :)

The coolest thing I ever got to play with was an MR. Really strong magnetic fields do some trippy stuff. Don't believe me? drop a strong neodymium magnet, the silver metal looking ones, down the inside of a copper pipe. :) a 1/4" diameter magnet in a 3/8" pipe works real well.
Spoiler alert, it takes a lot longer than you'd think to fall out. Copper isn't magnetic. Check it out stoned, and you'll be there awhile, lol.
Yep I'm lost I'm just a locksmith so magnets are funny to me in thr sense people tell me I dropped A key (note a singular key) in the water and couldn't find it with a magnet... The look on people's faces when I tell them keys are brass...
Locks are cool, but like I used to tell my boss, locks are for honest people. I learned to pick locks as a kid. My buddy used to lock himself out of his lab, and I could unlock it in a heartbeat. The master tumblers were easy.
Master Locks are the best. Just twist and comb and you're in. I don't think I've ever been defeated by one.
Well now I know what not to buy the next time I need to lock something up! I'd like to keep at least a few of the less determined/skilled dishonest people at bay. :)
There are locks that are really difficult to pick, but the are expensive. Find an old safe at an estate or office sale. New safes are expensive, but they're rated by how long the take to break. ~20 years ago, a buddy picked up a truckload of surplus safes from a govt facility. I think they were used to store uranium, lol. They were as good as it was, in 1945. :) Bolted to the floor correctly, it takes hours to open, by an expert.
Master locks open if you hit them with a hammer, lol.
some safes can be opened with a really strong earth magnet. the cheap digital ones just use a Solenoid to hold the bolt work from turning and if you know where that is you can retract it with a magnet.
Master locks open if you hit them with a hammer, lol.
Half the time they'll open if you smack two of them together.
They used to cut locks off lockers, at the end of the semester; everyone that left stuff in lockers had to be cleaned out, so there would be a box of cut locks laying in the hall later; I grabbed one of each type, took a dremel, and saw how the locks looked. They are way simpler than you think, lol.
most locks are simple really basic mechanics. the trick is learning how to defeat them with little to no damage to anything. you can't just go haywire on a lock on a customers door you have to know how and why they work so you can manipulate them instead of destroying it so it can used after. after I leave it needs to look like I was never there
How did we go from a cylinder 5 misfire to misdemeanor B&E in one thread? :rofl:
I'm apparently a felon at heart, lol. All of my hobbies are sketchy; Rockets, explosives, and fast cars. I just need to come up with my own moonshine brand, and I'll be set, lol.
There are shitloads of moonshine distillery's in tn these days; one of my old co-workers runs a single malt place as head distiller.

This is a grog:

Apologies to Johnny Hart. :)
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It ain't shine if it's taxed.

My family is from the mountains of NC. I have relatives who stilled. Commercial moonshine is the cultural appropriation of my people. :biggrin:

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