New Shift Knob (Automatic)

That does look good. I think the clear rectangle would look better with rounded ends.

Another approach would be to apply masks for the characters on the back side of the panel and paint, then pull the masks. You'd have a solid black panel with PRND12 showing by itself. Like this only glossy.
I think the clear rectangle would look better with rounded ends.

Another approach would be to apply masks for the characters

I decided against rounded ends because A. it was easier to mask and B. I wanted it to look different from the previous bezel with the cutout hole. I also felt it fit in better with other rectangular elements in the interior, such as radio display and buttons. Rounded would be fine, too though.

Masking just the letters, that's a great idea; I just wouldn't know how to execute that properly.

That does look good.

Thank you! I mean I can't stop gazing at it. What's wrong with me?
I like the idea...but I'd have to experiment a bit first with leftover parts to get comfortable with the procedure. To be honest, I fear superglue. Just the other day I accidentally spilled some all over my hand; that stuff is horrible.

It would be nice for it to blend in, but I think even with the rectangle this looks amazing! I mean sorry to toot my own horn...but this looks factory and then some!

Meanwhile, I made a small adjustment: I installed it over springs. This produces a nice snug fit with the rubber gasket of the console panel.

View attachment 7569

I spilled glue all over my hands to prove this point lol








This is by no means a well done execution( I didn’t even wait for the crappy enamel paint to dry) but with some care the results are very impressive. Gel style superglues may be better in the not getting all over your hands department.
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It works for inspiration, but to actually fit such a shifter to our cars seems very complex unless the dimensions happen to be spot on.

Otherwise, I'd recommend the acrylic route in whatever finish you prefer. Or go with a leather shift boot if you're worried about small things falling through the cracks.
I think I should just enjoy what I have for a while...and not give in to my shift knob obsession again anytime soon.

Still, down the road there may be another genuine wood bezel, a completely custom gated shifter as in a 90s Mercedes, a leather boot, or a column shift conversion. I'm not lacking for ideas.

But for now, let's conclude this thread with a Before & After:


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