The Official BirdCats Beer Thread! What are you drinking? 🍺

I've had some decent hazys, but not on purpose. Sometimes its fine print or unspoken, and surprise its a hazy. I wont not drink it, but I too often find the sort that taste like mimosa. Not sure what I'm picking up, but I've been on a sake kick this year
Yee-Haw Oktoberfest. Not bad at all. I'm fond of their Dunkel and this one doesn't disappoint.

Progression Brewing
Assume Attack Formation Imperial Double NEIPA
8.8% ABV

formation beer.jpg
Not bad, I've had stronger! 🥴

I like the picture, reminds me of what's going on here! :idea:

Flavor of tonight, this ones a favorite, by Fremont. Easily in top 3 of what I can access usually. 7%


I prefer short glasses for some odd reason
Went to this cider place on Saturday. Was honesty the best cider I have had. Hard to describe, but was like drinking an apple. No other ingredients but 100% apples. They don't have hard cider though.
For hard apple cider I like this kind:20230925_192423(1).jpg20230925_193026(1).jpg
It's made just South of Seattle in Auburn.
At 8.4% it does it's job quickly and they go down very well. Too well 😄
Moved this one over from the VB thread I started.

Dedicating this one to Matt, our official guitar guru!

Singlecut Fuzzbox Double Dry Hopped Imperial IPA


Beer thread! 🍺

What are you drinking today? If your a beer connoisseur like me and enjoy a cold brew, share your beverage.

Give detail:

-Brewer (City, State)
-Any other info

***Drink responsibility, don't drink and drive.***

We had a thread going already, merged into one tidy beer drinking thread! 🍺

I'm drinking a Mich Ultra "Pure Gold" that my coworker bought. It's light as shit and only 3.8%

I'm not a fan of light beers but tonight it's going down pretty smooth. Got a lot done at work today but we've got two more pretty full days ahead of us. Had yesterday off as the customer wasn't ready for us so we took of to Bocha Chica Beach to see the SpaceX "Star Base" assembly and launch site. It was friggin' amazing! They have a fully stacked Starship on the launch pad ready to go but they're still waiting for launch approval from the FAA or Fish & Wildlife or some shitty gov. agency like that.

Anyway, cheers guys!
Quiet Friday night here so nothing special... I had a few good local IPAs from Tampa area. Will post them sometime


Went to this cider place on Saturday. Was honesty the best cider I have had. Hard to describe, but was like drinking an apple. No other ingredients but 100% apples. They don't have hard cider though.
For hard apple cider I like this kind:
It's made just South of Seattle in Auburn.
At 8.4% it does it's job quickly and they go down very well. Too well 😄

Found one out in the wild and estranged from its pack, thought I'd try it. It keeps making me pucker heh, its like they only processed apple skins. P good =]
I dont think I've done the pepsi challenge on it, but Shock Top is also similar to Blue Moon right?
Found one out in the wild and estranged from its pack, thought I'd try it. It keeps making me pucker heh, its like they only processed apple skins. P good =]
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Glad you found one. They go well with ice too. Even with ice it still has this warm frothy thing going on. I'm doing steaks tonight, might have to crack open a few ciders too.

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