The Unofficial "Ask a Stupid Question" Thread

You will have to calibrate it, if you want to know that. You can use air pressure to simulate it, if you fill the sender with the appropriate fluid. On the old site, I posted the readings for the sender I bought.

Oh, I was thinking more in terms of ballpark numbers. I wouldn't expect that thing to be really accurate, especially across cars with various sending units. I was just wondering, more or less, what the reading "should" be for the NORM part and the lines to the left and right.
Oh, I was thinking more in terms of ballpark numbers. I wouldn't expect that thing to be really accurate, especially across cars with various sending units. I was just wondering, more or less, what the reading "should" be for the NORM part and the lines to the left and right.

On a really hot days at idle the needle is pointing about a letters worth of space below the N and cold startups it’s maxed. It’s really not that useful of a gauge for specific accuracy, oh and it varies a bit with battery voltage/electrical load.

I’d say if you really want to know the numbers you want a dedicated mechanical oil pressure gauge, converting the dash one is just a novelty.
I've got a question for the group; I've got a 60 year old bottle of tequila , that is so old, the label is pretty much illegible. I've had it for 40 years; it could be older. it's a metzcal, and it's got this strange looking aluminumbowl looking piece that came with it, that fits over the bottle, and has a screw on aluminum cap. it's called "mezcal oaxaca gusano rojo"
Yes, it has a worm in it.
Anyone exer heard of this stuff, and have any idea what the aluminum piece is for? it looks like maybe to put something in, to pour the tequia over, and strain into a glass or something...
Anyone got any ideas?
I've got a question for the group; I've got a 60 year old bottle of tequila , that is so old, the label is pretty much illegible. I've had it for 40 years; it could be older. it's a metzcal, and it's got this strange looking aluminumbowl looking piece that came with it, that fits over the bottle, and has a screw on aluminum cap. it's called "mezcal oaxaca gusano rojo"
Yes, it has a worm in it.
Anyone exer heard of this stuff, and have any idea what the aluminum piece is for? it looks like maybe to put something in, to pour the tequia over, and strain into a glass or something...
Anyone got any ideas?
Mexican worm catcher?
I've got a question for the group; I've got a 60 year old bottle of tequila , that is so old, the label is pretty much illegible. I've had it for 40 years; it could be older. it's a metzcal, and it's got this strange looking aluminumbowl looking piece that came with it, that fits over the bottle, and has a screw on aluminum cap. it's called "mezcal oaxaca gusano rojo"
Yes, it has a worm in it.
Anyone exer heard of this stuff, and have any idea what the aluminum piece is for? it looks like maybe to put something in, to pour the tequia over, and strain into a glass or something...
Anyone got any ideas?
I think this belongs in the ask dumb questions thread…
As far as it goes, the real question is "What the hell is the attachment? "ll post pix later.
Liquor doesn't go bad, but it won't age in the bottle like a barrel. I found several posts about the tequila; it seems like something cheap my parents would buy. I remember seeing the bottle in the 60's, lol.

Well, if it kills me, y'all know what it was. :D

Second stupid question? how likely am I to waste a ring putting the rings on the piston without a set of ring pliers? (Do I need to get a set?
I've never used a set before, but these are higher spec engines.
Well, if it kills me, y'all know what it was. :D

In that case, drink up .. 🤣

On a related note; one of my friends tried to brew some alcohol out of prickly pear juice from the cactus in front of his house .. He ended up with some kind of blockage, the doctors cut away part of his intestine to check for a tumor or something .. full on colostomy bag and he lost about 50 pounds. Turned out to be fine so they sewed his asshole back together. All because he's a cheap ass.

Just saying .. 😉
Iced over, cant get out of the house, ran out of beer, looking at alternatives. :) I keep PGA for chemistry, but drinking everclear Isn't ever a good idea. :)
I've got a question for the group; I've got a 60 year old bottle of tequila , that is so old, the label is pretty much illegible. I've had it for 40 years; it could be older. it's a metzcal, and it's got this strange looking aluminumbowl looking piece that came with it, that fits over the bottle, and has a screw on aluminum cap. it's called "mezcal oaxaca gusano rojo"
Yes, it has a worm in it.
Anyone exer heard of this stuff, and have any idea what the aluminum piece is for? it looks like maybe to put something in, to pour the tequia over, and strain into a glass or something...
Anyone got any ideas?
Idea: instacart and tip well
We've got 4" of ice, and it's still snowing. Nothings moving.
Its almost as if we should take some time off every once and a while
4 degrees, 4" of snow. Got a message m delivery order got pushed out, I'd bet there's no delivery people. Great day to spend in bed with a remote. Tequila was awesome. It did have me eating breakfast at 2am, lol. I slept both like, and on, a cat. lol. Nice warm pillow, but he hates being 'fluffed', lol.
Alright, let's discuss...

Thunderbird cluster vs. Corvette cluster. There's one very distinctive difference.

Screenshot_20240123_200254_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20240123_200142_Samsung Internet.jpg20240123_200406.jpg20240123_200341.jpg

I'm talking of course about the use of "x" vs. the use of "/".

And I have to side with GM here. The displayed value is the engine rpm divided by 1,000 or 100 respectively, not multiplied by.
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Well damnit, that ruins all tachs for me now. I've just always overlooked it as multiply the number by 1000, but that damn RPM ruins it
One of the most useless things I ever made, was a digital tach gage. it changes so much only the left digit is good, but knowing that doesn't help reading it.A simple bar graph will work.
I have an actual Stupid question, I've asked engineers, but they're clueless o auto engineering, regardless of what they think, lol.
I bought a used set of rods; nice Manleys. One has 1 buggered thread.And a badly stretched bolt. New bolt is obvious, but is the slightly buggered thread in the rod from the buggered bolt something that requires replacement of the rod?
It's just a stupid way of writing, "rpm in 1,000's", but dan is right, the way it's written is pretty ambiguous, at best. Is it 100rpms or 1000,000?? either way it's generally written seems wrong.
It's just one of those things you learn by others; by the time it matters, most of us just know the 5 is 5000 rpm, and the 350 chevy is breaking in mom's car, lol.
I bought a used set of rods; nice Manleys. One has 1 buggered thread.And a badly stretched bolt. New bolt is obvious, but is the slightly buggered thread in the rod from the buggered bolt something that requires replacement of the rod?

Not uncommon for Manley rods .. if the threads are no good, the rod should be replaced.
Thanks; I value your experience.Yeah, I'll order one. I need to get a set of bolts anyway.And a stretch gage. Only paid 300 for the rods, so still not a bad deal.
Related stupid observation: WTF is an "aged" arp bolt, and why would it be worth an extra 200 bux?
It screams of "we put it in grandmas car for 6 months, so it's pre aged" :O I mean really?
RPM x 1000: Take the number the needle is pointing at as the face value RPM and multiply it by 1000.

RPM/1000: Take the number the needle is pointing at, mentally infer the extra zeros because intuitively as a car guy that’s the actual literal engine rpm, and divide that number that is only in your head, not a number displayed anywhere, by 1000.

Which is more intuitive?

Corvette is one of few cars that use the divide, it’s not even a GM vs Ford thing, in fact most GMs use x100 or x1000, here’s a Camaro cluster from the same time period

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Corvette is one of few cars that use the divide, it’s not even a GM vs Ford thing, in fact most GMs use x100 or x1000, here’s a Camaro cluster from the same time period

It's not a division symbol .. just the same as the km/h on the above image does not require the driver to divide the kilometers by the number of hours ( which is always 1 .. ) to figure out vehicle speed. 🤔

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