The main difference in the 4r75 and 4r 70 is the main planetary. Look at the thread. Go find a 2002 4r70w from a non police Gran Marquis.
Get it attached to an engine stand, over a 4" deep pan about 3' by 4', that will fit below the engine stand. I think mine was a food service tray, and is white fiberglass. Pull the pan, and let everything land in the tray. Keep up with anything that falls out. You will want a magnet tool to get the bolts out of the fluid. Keep the bolts wet with fluid, They can rust up.
Pull the sensors from the side, and pull the valvebody out. There are some longer bolts, keep track of those.
If you pull the pump bolts, you can use a 8mm bolt and a wrench, with a hammer to pop the pump loose. If it's pointing down into the pan, the entire guts will hit the pan, lol. DONT do that. Pick the pieces UP out of the case, and set aside. a heavy steel autopsy table comes in very handy.

The blood drains work even better for atf. Hopefully, your atf does not look like clotted blood.
A rebuild consists of taking new rubber, teflon, and steel seals in for the worn out/ hardened/ cracking ones in the transmission. Without contaminating it with lint, dirt, or shaving a corner. The seals need perfect corners or they leak.
Dude shows in his thread how to use the one piece teflon shaft seals. That one item adds the most longevity to a build. All the scarf cut seals were leaking when removed.
I use Raybestos plates, Kolene steels, the spiral retainer, and a stock number of plates in all locations. For race applications, I'd go with a sonnax direct drum, and billet pump gears.
I add the superior kit for the 4r70w that adds some springs in the VB; drill the hole for increased cooler flow.
I use the "Super tuff plate" Which has the >300hp size holes in the plate. Add the sonnax reinforcing plate under the 2-3 accumulator.
If in any case, radiator failure, whatever, if water gets in your transmission, it's wasted. The glues that hold the plates together are water based, and it will waste them quick. You have to replace all the friction plates if that happens.
Get a Mark 8 or dual pattern flexplate,and a small pattern TC from a 2004 mustang auto.