I ordered a caliper, and received one that did not fit. So I ordered the correct one and continued to use old one until arrival. I drove about 35 minutes away and had zero issues. Let the car sit an hour then drove home. You could hear the caliper sticking and making a grinding noise, and after that followed with the car not wanting to shift correctly. Is it possible that the wheel, moving slower somehow stressed my transmission out? This happened a couple months back as well and just went away after a day or two. Just concerned. The car did not want to shift unless I floored it , or hesitated to do so under normal conditions. Idk. Just worried. My first car. I fix the caliper Tuesday. I can also hear a squeaking on that wheel with failing caliper, like a brake pad wear squeal, happens with every tire rotation and stops when brakes are pressed. But the pads are brand new.
Sorry for the word vomit.
Sorry for the word vomit.