Doomsday Thread Redux


4th Gear Poster
Sep 22, 2023
Vehicle Details
95 T-bird with 5.0and m5r2 swap for lemons
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Random thread to discuss current events which could bring about a "doomsday". Previous topics included COVID and most recently the war in Ukraine.
All within the last 24h. A depression is coming. Personally I think it's going to come with the resumption of student loan payments in the next month.


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I remember some idiot during the meltdown in 2008 saying "I can't get by on 16 million a day!" Wah, lol.
With food prices the way they are, yes, some months.
Average monthly grocery bill for an American family is $700 higher than two years ago.

Had a discussion recently as to whether $70k was low income. For a single person with no bills other than housing, probably not. But a family of 4 may disagree.
Average monthly grocery bill for an American family is $700 higher than two years ago.

Had a discussion recently as to whether $70k was low income. For a single person with no bills other than housing, probably not. But a family of 4 may disagree.
In SF, <$105k is considered low income for a single person. This qualifies you for below market housing, etc.It's $150k for a family of four.

The biggest issue in HCOL areas is housing. I CA, $150k on your W2 is approx $7950/mo after taxes but before healthcare, 401k/espp deductions, etc. Deducting another $20k/yr for for each, that's $6200/net. As long as your housing is less than $3k/mo so(so sub $500k homes), you'll be fine. Problem is when people sign up for 5k mortgages/property taxes/utilities and or $750+/mo car payments. There's not much left (not that people who tend to live this large put $40k/yr into their 401k/ESPPs but you get the idea).
Don’t wanna be that guy…. But….. has anybody been keeping up with the deaths associated with the vax?? Recently a YouTuber body builder Joey Linder passed away. The official story is he passed from an aneurysm. But in an interview just before his death he clearly states that he started getting stuff in his blood, when he got checked up. Which he did get checked often because of his steroid usage.

Seems like a lot of people are passing away mysteriously.

If you watch the whole video he says he ALWAYS got blood work done and nothing came up UNTIL he got vaxxed. Then it was all down hill.
If you watch the whole video he says he ALWAYS got blood work done and nothing came up UNTIL he got vaxxed. Then it was all down hill.
I think like every medicine or drug, it affects different people differently. There's no one-size-fits-all miracle drug and it's dumb for everyone to stick their heads in the sand and pretend negative side effects and contraindications don't exist for some, even for a vaccine that probably genuinely is safe.

Like I said on the other thread, it shouldn't matter to anyone else whether someone did or didn't get a covid shot and the reasons above are why.

That dude may have been injured by it, but he could have also gotten a bad batch of roids just as easily as a cokehead can get bad coke one night. We'll never really know and even if we did prove something, the damage has already been done.
but he could have also gotten a bad batch of roids just as easily as a cokehead can get bad coke one night.

I know of at least 3 people who died from Fentanyl overdose in the last couple years; thinking they were taking Percocet pills. Bad batch of coke ? Maybe; I woud be skeptical these days. I can say that I've only once had a "bad batch" of weed; one time when I visited Oklahoma .. somebody gave me a bag of some green stuff I'm pretty sure was lawnmower clippings.
Welp Feinstein is dead. Crazy how long she clung to power despite not being all there (and not working). Considering she was the oldest senator by a long shot (avg is 65.3 and she was a whopping 90), practically anyone Newsom appoints should lower the age of congress ever so slightly.

I don't care which side of the aisle you lean; these legislators are simply too old and out of touch.
Don’t wanna be that guy…. But….. has anybody been keeping up with the deaths associated with the vax??

IMO - Those that would have had bad reactions are probably dead or recovered at this point. The long term effects that conspiracy theorists were worried about seem to not have happened yet; hopefully they won't.

I lost one close family member, and two more ended up in the hospital. One had an unexplained stroke and the other developed seizures, both healthy people and have since recovered. My uncle developed an infection in his lungs and went from being a tough SOB to dead in about a month. All of this happened at the peak of the Vax frenzy and they were all boosted up, so I have my reasons to be suspicious.
Welp Feinstein is dead. Crazy how long she clung to power despite not being all there (and not working). Considering she was the oldest senator by a long shot (avg is 65.3 and she was a whopping 90), practically anyone Newsom appoints should lower the age of congress ever so slightly.

I don't care which side of the aisle you lean; these legislators are simply too old and out of touch.

The same can be said of so many boomer politicians. So true. They all need to go.
IMO - Those that would have had bad reactions are probably dead or recovered at this point. The long term effects that conspiracy theorists were worried about seem to not have happened yet; hopefully they won't.

I lost one close family member, and two more ended up in the hospital. One had an unexplained stroke and the other developed seizures, both healthy people and have since recovered. My uncle developed an infection in his lungs and went from being a tough SOB to dead in about a month. All of this happened at the peak of the Vax frenzy and they were all boosted up, so I have my reasons to be suspicious.
I don't think the long-term fears were valid. My concerns were with the severity of the short-term effects like the ones you mentioned.

The same can be said of so many boomer politicians. So true. They all need to go.
There should be an age limit just like pilots. Not term limits, age limits. If we limit how young they can be, we can limit how old they can be.
I don't think the long-term fears were valid. My concerns were with the severity of the short-term effects like the ones you mentioned.

There should be an age limit just like pilots. Not term limits, age limits. If we limit how young they can be, we can limit how old they can be.
Problem there is that the SCOTUS would need to weigh in against their own self interest.

Wlin the SCOTUS, weve had geriatric old ladies who may have been determined but held onto power for 5-8 years too long as well as ones who have violated ethics rules which apply to lower courts for decades.

To even get there, you'd need the legislature to enact a law.. and one part can't even pass procedural legislation to extend govt spending to the budget that they previously agreed to because some folks want a better deal. It's like agreeing to a deal on a meal, but before you pick it up, you sit and demand the extra fries be thrown in. Sure, you can try to do this but you definitely look like a dick doing so (esp if by doing so you hold up the line for everyone else at the restaurant).
IMO - Those that would have had bad reactions are probably dead or recovered at this point. The long term effects that conspiracy theorists were worried about seem to not have happened yet; hopefully they won't.

I lost one close family member, and two more ended up in the hospital. One had an unexplained stroke and the other developed seizures, both healthy people and have since recovered. My uncle developed an infection in his lungs and went from being a tough SOB to dead in about a month. All of this happened at the peak of the Vax frenzy and they were all boosted up, so I have my reasons to be suspicious.

the whole thing is just weird. at first they said you wouldn’t get Covid if you got vaxxed, then when they data came out they said it only helped you not have really bad symptoms. what gets me is that they were literally forcing it on people, by firing you if you wouldn’t comply. I believe if the gov really wants you to do something, you shouldn’t do it. Do you guys really think they have our best interest?

long term effects are talking about 5-10 years. And that’s on top of having kids while you’re vaxxed. Not trying to scare anybody or whatever but these are serious questions and concerns I have. And it seems if you have any questions about this subject your looked at crazy or called a conspiracy theorist.

what I do know is Pfizer has the biggest criminal find ever in history, 2.3 BILLION dollars. i wouldn’t trust shit they say EVER.

the reason I bring this up is because I have people close to me who have got the jab and they are doing fine and all that. But it still brings huge concern over the long term effects of this.

if you go to rumble and search Covid videos, it’s all a bunch of legit doctors speaking on this and bringing data to back up these claims. You can say what you like about rumble, at least they don’t try and silence you for having an opposing view to the narrative Aka “you should get vaxxed”

at this point, where does it end? Are they going to continue to pop out vaccines for every virus from now on?

also, what are your thoughts on lahaina?? There is videos of locals speaking at town meetings saying that they city is going to get what they want, 15 minute cities. Apparently they want to create digital cities where everything’s automated I believe. i do believe it was man made and they are dicking those people out of their land. There are still reports of 2000 children missing, which they don’t cover on the news. there was a guy recoding some cars that were burnt and he noted seeing puddled aluminum. Grass fires can’t melt it can it? aluminum calipers were gone due to being melted. also Oprah has caught a lot of backlash for trying to raise money, and also it seems her home was not burned down in the blaze, weird??

good thing football is back to distract the masses haha. They still haven’t released the epstein list either.
the whole thing is just weird. at first they said you wouldn’t get Covid if you got vaxxed, then when they data came out they said it only helped you not have really bad symptoms. what gets me is that they were literally forcing it on people, by firing you if you wouldn’t comply. I believe if the gov really wants you to do something, you shouldn’t do it. Do you guys really think they have our best interest?

long term effects are talking about 5-10 years. And that’s on top of having kids while you’re vaxxed. Not trying to scare anybody or whatever but these are serious questions and concerns I have. And it seems if you have any questions about this subject your looked at crazy or called a conspiracy theorist.

what I do know is Pfizer has the biggest criminal find ever in history, 2.3 BILLION dollars. i wouldn’t trust shit they say EVER.

the reason I bring this up is because I have people close to me who have got the jab and they are doing fine and all that. But it still brings huge concern over the long term effects of this.

if you go to rumble and search Covid videos, it’s all a bunch of legit doctors speaking on this and bringing data to back up these claims. You can say what you like about rumble, at least they don’t try and silence you for having an opposing view to the narrative Aka “you should get vaxxed”

at this point, where does it end? Are they going to continue to pop out vaccines for every virus from now on?

also, what are your thoughts on lahaina?? There is videos of locals speaking at town meetings saying that they city is going to get what they want, 15 minute cities. Apparently they want to create digital cities where everything’s automated I believe. i do believe it was man made and they are dicking those people out of their land. There are still reports of 2000 children missing, which they don’t cover on the news. there was a guy recoding some cars that were burnt and he noted seeing puddled aluminum. Grass fires can’t melt it can it? aluminum calipers were gone due to being melted. also Oprah has caught a lot of backlash for trying to raise money, and also it seems her home was not burned down in the blaze, weird??

good thing football is back to distract the masses haha. They still haven’t released the epstein list either.
Grass fires are hot enough to melt a fuel tank and the spilled and ignited fuel from the tanks will burn at more than enough temp to melt aluminum. You've been to junkyards, haven't you ever looked at cars that have been on fire? Melted aluminum isn't unusual.

Almost ALL wildfires are manmade, just takes one doofus who watched a few #vanlife influencers to think they're adept at wilderness survival and create a campfire that goes completely out of control

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