There is no free speech, as long as someone else owns the keys to the press. I don't remember which of the founding fathers had a print shop, but I think it was Ben Franklin. These days Anyone can publish whichever trash floats their boat, with no sense of Truth required whatsoever.
I just think it's hilarious that they're trying to make trump look better by impeaching biden, but they keep failing on the point of evidense.

If you can arrest someone for using daddy's name, not only would mst of us be in jail, but the trumplings would be Screwed, Remember I vanka's chinese dealings? And Trump Jr? While trump was in office, a buddy and I kept a list of his obvious lies, and we finally broke notepad with the list.
Trump is up for91 felonies, in several jurisdictions, for stuff there's no real argument about in my mind. There's incontrovertible evidence of his crimes I watched the Insurrection, Live on TV, and the speeches that incited them. Having been almost busted for Inciting a riot; The line on insurrection, is when you take the cops guns. It's a major deal, and any of us would be on a bus to leavenworth by now.
I think that by the plain reading of the constitution, it says he cannot be president. Or Senator, or any officer of the US.