Q: What are you watching (TV/Streaming/Movies) and want to recommend?

I have been watching "Vice Grip Garage" on YouTube for the last few weeks and really enjoying how he can get a car running that should have been in the crusher.
I have been watching "Vice Grip Garage" on YouTube for the last few weeks and really enjoying how he can get a car running that should have been in the crusher.
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I enjoy watching his videos once and a while. They are easy to watch and his humor and attitude are entertaining. I can't believe some of the cars he gets going. In one episode he get a rusted to shit Camaro running, it was cringey to see him hit the highway in it.
Anyone watch Stranger Things? I hear that season 5 is coming out soon.

My oldest said her friends were watching it and really liked it. Honestly I wasn't expecting much when it started, but I am surprised how well it's done. Probably one of the best series I have seen in a while.

Its full of 80's nostalgia and if you are into Science Fiction/Horror it's a must watch IMO.

I have been watching "Vice Grip Garage" on YouTube for the last few weeks and really enjoying how he can get a car running that should have been in the crusher.
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Only criticism I have is his clear Chevy bias and I hate hate hate the jerry can fuel tank/hose taped to the body solution. Stupid dangerous and ugly. Otherwise I like his personality, he’s the only “will it run” guy who’s actually entertaining and doesn’t take himself too seriously.

Most of the less cool cars (the ones not turned into ongoing projects) end up getting saved from rotting in some other persons yard to his yard to rot. Storing cars on grass is really bad for them.
Only criticism I have is his clear Chevy bias and I hate hate hate the jerry can fuel tank/hose taped to the body solution. Stupid dangerous and ugly. Otherwise I like his personality, he’s the only “will it run” guy who’s actually entertaining and doesn’t take himself too seriously.

Most of the less cool cars (the ones not turned into ongoing projects) end up getting saved from rotting in some other persons yard to his yard to rot. Storing cars on grass is really bad for them.
What's it say at the beginning of his show: "I'm and idiot..." The first show I watched, I was cringing the whole time and thinking to myself "what a red neck idiot..." But I started noticing the way he worked on the cars, and the dialog he used reminded me of myself when I am working on a car, except English is my second language when working on cars.

The thing that gets me is he tends to ignore black mold, mice and rabbit droppings, bacteria and most things they have taught us to be careful of. I have only seen him sick once with a cold during the 4 years and he did wear a mask in the airport once during covid.

But his GM bias can be a bit much sometimes. Last show I watched he got a Ford Grand Torino that should have been burned at the stake. But he drove it several hundred miles home!

Anyone watch Stranger Things? I hear that season 5 is coming out soon.

My oldest said her friends were watching it and really liked it. Honestly I wasn't expecting much when it started, but I am surprised how well it's done. Probably one of the best series I have seen in a while.

Its full of 80's nostalgia and if you are into Science Fiction/Horror it's a must watch IMO.

My wife watched that for several shows but has not watched it since then. I never really liked it that much for not other reason than it's about kids growing up and doing weird sh!t. LOL
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What's it say at the beginning of his show: "I'm and idiot..." The first show I watched, I was cringing the whole time and thinking to myself "what a red neck idiot..." But I started noticing the way he worked on the cars, and the dialog he used reminded me of myself when I am working on a car, except English is my second language when working on cars.

The thing that gets me is he tends to ignore black mold, mice and rabbit droppings, bacteria and most things they have taught us to be careful of. I have only seen him sick once with a cold during the 4 years and he did wear a mask in the airport once during covid.

But his GM bias can be a bit much sometimes. Last show I watched he got a Ford Grand Torino that should have been burned at the stake. But he drove it several hundred miles home!

Well that’s kind of my point, he’s clearly capable and often times he sends ahead for fresh tires and wheels, a replacement fuel tank isn’t that expensive and on a lot of cars he works on they’re easy to change and readily available so there’s kinda no excuse to huff fumes from plastic jugs in the passenger floorboard for hundreds of miles. Although maybe he does that to fumigate the mold, I take it back lol

The black Gran Torino elite was the first episode I watched I think, because it reminded me of the 74 Cougar I almost had. Couple vids he likes to knock fords for putting the distributor in the front where they should be because they might get splashed :roll:

Oh and the LS rockers on a mopar LA motor he’s very proud of. I truly do not get the point and he hasn’t explained it very well, shaft rockers are far and away superior to me.
Anyone watch Stranger Things? I hear that season 5 is coming out soon.

My oldest said her friends were watching it and really liked it. Honestly I wasn't expecting much when it started, but I am surprised how well it's done. Probably one of the best series I have seen in a while.

Its full of 80's nostalgia and if you are into Science Fiction/Horror it's a must watch IMO.


My brother really likes it, keeps wanting me to watch it. I will eventually I suppose. I'm not into shows built around kids because you can't hurt kids (maim, burn, shoot, rape, kill, stab, dismember, etc.) so when those characters are placed in "dangerous" situations it's guaranteed that they will come out of them unscathed. Not saying I want to watch shows with minors getting fucked up, just that those scenarios are wasted on kid characters. Oh no, there's a savage beast that is unstoppable, it's already killed 10 men, what's going to happen to poor weak junior warrior kid... oh, nothing, just like every other time, he actually contributed to its demise, yawn.
Only criticism I have is his clear Chevy bias and I hate hate hate the jerry can fuel tank/hose taped to the body solution. Stupid dangerous and ugly. Otherwise I like his personality, he’s the only “will it run” guy who’s actually entertaining and doesn’t take himself too seriously.

Not only that, but he reminds me of Chevy Chase, especially when he'd do those President Ford skits on classic SNL, so when I read your comment I initially thought you were going to be another person who noticed the similarity, hahahaa. They're both like 6'4" tall, too.
Yep, sometimes he is hard to swallow with the way he does things... "I'm gonna do the right thing and .... forget I didn't see that..."
My brother really likes it, keeps wanting me to watch it. I will eventually I suppose. I'm not into shows built around kids because you can't hurt kids (maim, burn, shoot, rape, kill, stab, dismember, etc.) so when those characters are placed in "dangerous" situations it's guaranteed that they will come out of them unscathed. Not saying I want to watch shows with minors getting fucked up, just that those scenarios are wasted on kid characters. Oh no, there's a savage beast that is unstoppable, it's already killed 10 men, what's going to happen to poor weak junior warrior kid... oh, nothing, just like every other time, he actually contributed to its demise, yawn.
That was my expectation when we started watching it. Even though the kids are the some of the main characters, the show is really more about the town. There's a lot of other big characters in it too.

I definitely enjoy it being based in the 80s. Since I was a kid back in the 90s it's very fun to see the older cars and decor of back then. It's all very familiar and they did amazing with the sets.
Stranger things is responsible for a resurgence in D&D; I spent a lot of time in the 70's and 80's running d&d games. I still have an ongoing dungeon, with about 10 people involved, but we last played in 2001, ad two of that crew are now dead.
Yep, sometimes he is hard to swallow with the way he does things... "I'm gonna do the right thing and .... forget I didn't see that..."

I could tell he's from the midwest from that catchphrase, we all have to say it sometimes throwing expensive parts into rustbuckets :rofl:
Stranger things is responsible for a resurgence in D&D; I spent a lot of time in the 70's and 80's running d&d games. I still have an ongoing dungeon, with about 10 people involved, but we last played in 2001, ad two of that crew are now dead.
My kid plays D&D at his school as part of an afterschool enrichment class. His friend's older sister plays it with her friends as well on weekends. Fascinating to hear about.


I ended up watching the first two episodes of the Three Body Problem last night.
- Production is quite good; reminded me a good bit about another series I enjoyed based on hard SciFi (The Peripheral). Hopefully The 3BP it will last longer

- Unlike the adaptation of his previous work (The Wandering Earth), which was literally bankrolled by China Film Group (which is owned by the Central Propaganda Dept of the CCP -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Film_Group_Corporation, this show did NOT feel like pure chinese govt propaganda. How one of the characters was treated in both the book and the show doesn't exactly put the chinese govt in the best light.

- There DO seem to be some departures from the book; for example, i don't remember all of these grad students or this VR game they are exposed to but I do remember the underlying story that is trying to be told and that seems to track. I will admit that Benioff and Weiss have done a pretty good job so far crafting an interesting story that seems like it would have been really hard to shoot as written. It makes me think that B&W deserve less of the blame for the dogshit final season of GoT than big boy GRR Martin.

Sidenote: since book 5 of GoT was released in 2011, GRRM's former assistants (who write under James SA Correy) completed the 9 book Expanse series, a fair number of novella in the same universe, and produced/wrote for a six season TV show based on the series. We'll never see a satisfying conclusion to Game of Thones.
The fun part of D&d is the creativity of the people who play; boring people make lousy players. It's not for everyone. I had a guy that sat against a tree for 6 months, by his own choice. Waiting for some other people. He was eaten by tree mollusks, lol.
I just finished the Three Body Problem Season 1 on netflix and if you like sci-fi at all, this is a good series.
As with GoT, the producers mined the source content well and setup is great.
I recommend it and I hope enough people watch to to justify a renewal.
It absolutely deserves it.

As far as how closely the series follows the books, I seem to recall the story being more complicated whereas the series definitely feels more character driven. both are good... but different.
Still working through See: Season 3 on AppleTV. Great series with lots of plot twists and good character development.

I just binge watched all three seasons of the Warriors, a fictionalized account of the tongs in SF. Visual effects/martial arts is pretty good, violence/titties are a bit gratuitious (good), but the story definitely comes across as a bit over-the-top as the show progresses). Definitely started strong like Game of Thrones but it definitely feels like they tried topping themselves with each new plot twist. I did appreciate the conflict/interplay between the Chinese immigrants, the more established Irish immigrants of a prior generation, and the wealthy/industrial class. Like the Wire, no character feels like a caricature as they are doing what they feel is best to move their own agenda forward so none are totally good and none are totally evil.

Its definitely not accurate to actual history. Entertaining but not thought provoking. Worth a watch.

The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon: #3 criminal in taiwan decides he wants to be #1. Black humor made me chuckle sometimes but its not a cinematic masterpiece. Good for a mid-flight distraction

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead. This movie answer sthe question about what would the Japanese version of a "happy jock" type would would do in a zombie outbreak. There are some silly moments, but not worth the watch.

Greenland: World ends and Gerard Butler needs to save his kid and Morena Baccarin from the apocalypse. Most unbelievable point in this movie? It wasn't the comment, or human behavior, but that Gerard's character cheats on Morena's character. SKIP IT.

I'm jetlagged and watching the second Rebel Moon movie. Yeah, its still a star wars copy (I don't remember if the first one had light sabers, but yeah, Snyder stole that as well when the Mouse wouldn't give him the rights to make this a Star Wars franchise movie. I haven't gotten very far yet (decided to take a break and write this) but this is another "watch-the-trailer-and-youve-seen-the-whole-movie" film

Oh, I forgot one more: I didn't realize they made an Assasin's Creed movie. Never been a big fan of the game or the lore but this movie was incredibly weak in explaining the whole story. There are templars who want some ball/apple to control humans and delete free will. Assasins are "good" guys because they don't believe in good or evil. You can "learn" how to do cool shit by hooking yourself up into a VR setup and playing back memories from your blood? Baffling. SKIP IT.
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"Land of Bad" Done well. Good story. 50 cal tracers look so cool....
"Matrix" (oldy but goody)
I ended up watching the first two episodes of the Three Body Problem last night.
- Production is quite good; reminded me a good bit about another series I enjoyed based on hard SciFi (The Peripheral). Hopefully The 3BP it will last longer
We watched the Korean Chinese version... Intense!
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Still working through See: Season 3 on AppleTV. Great series with lots of plot twists and good character development.

Finally, after a long break, got back to this. Watched another episode and a half last night. Really enjoying the series.
We watched the Korean Chinese version... Intense!
I just looked this up and will have to watch it. I assume you mean the anime

I really enjoy this author (Cixin Liu) but the chinese movie adaption of his book The Wandering Earth, just felt like a hollow blockbuster movie coating a good amount of pro chinese govt propaganda. It wasn't very memorable. Being a sucker for all sorts of Sci-Fi, I'll watch almost anything.

I just found out that The Boys S04 recently finished up. I'm watching that now.
I'm going to watch the new season of Cobra Kai soon. So there is that...
I just looked this up and will have to watch it. I assume you mean the anime

I really enjoy this author (Cixin Liu) but the chinese movie adaption of his book The Wandering Earth, just felt like a hollow blockbuster movie coating a good amount of pro chinese govt propaganda. It wasn't very memorable. Being a sucker for all sorts of Sci-Fi, I'll watch almost anything.
Oh no, this is a series show. It's called Three-Body. You can read more about it here:


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