What are you Listening To?

I participate in the FAA WINGS program for continued GA safety, which involves various webinars (among other things) throughout the year. One of the presenters often plays the "Go around" song at the beginning of their webinars, and it's amusing, shocking, and harrowing at the same time. For those who have flown with me before, yes, I do practice go-arounds. :)

I used to love sitting at the end of the runway lights at ATL, and watch planes take off and land. 9/11 put an end to that;now there's an armed swat team response to people near a runway .There's a huge drainage line, that runs from near the omni, to the runways, and if you're careful you aren't seen.
Listening to this in my home theater in multi-channel stereo is a next-level experience!

I've had the mariah carey one stuck in my head like a brainworm since randomly watching "free guy" the other day. it's a decently entertaining movie; a new take on video games. I realize I haven't played anything in years .
I hope you're resistant,lol.
I have a fun day tomorrow; I get to go testify against my pos niece that stole a credit card and spent $18k.
I am way late to this thread and was happy to finally see a Queensryche song come up. MTV exposed me to Queensryche with the song Eyes of a Stranger, but their early stuff is great too.

Operation:Mindcrime is a great concept album that translates to an amazing concert experience...Operation:Livecrime. I've seen ti twice over the years and will be seeing it again via Geoff Tate in April with my youngest. I hope Geoff can hit some of the notes he could hit in his prime. Mainly seeing the show with my college buddy and I so we can let our boys experience what was once a great show...fingers crossed.

I don't expect that early Queensryche songs will be played, but maybe they will

RIP John Sykes. Most famous for being uncredited on the biggest Whitesnake album but his tenure in Tygers of Pan Tang and Thin Lizzy was fucking fire!


She'd say, "Go to Hell". I'd say, "I'll send you a postcard".

You know what you get when you play country music backwards?

You get your dog back, you get your wife back, you get your house back, you get your truck back …

Maybe try playing it backwards to improve your disposition. :biggrin:

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