Terry Labonte supports this picture

Did you cut the floor to get to your fuel pump? Looks like you have an access panel there.
Hope you won't need to get at the pump anytime soon, you'll have a lot of work ahead of you to get at that.
Had a bung put in for my wideband gauge.
Tuna’s exhaust in Raynham.Who's shop is that Eric?
I have no idea what day time running lights are.
Mydad was a vocal advocate for the "bunghole theory of child rearing" You raise your kid in a barrel, fed thru the bunghole, and when he turns 18, you decide whether to drive the bung in, or let him out.A bung is a plug for your bung hole.
We call them weld o-lets.
Rear View Mirror- Auto Bright/Dim, Compass, Temperature, Universal Fit
Master Tailgaters Ultra Bright 4.3" Auto Adjusting Brightness and Dimming LCD Rear View Mirror with Compass And Temperature. MIRROR: 4mm Thick Glass with Compass and Temperature + Remote. LCD Display Automatically Turns On When Vehicle Put In Reversewww.mastertailgaters.com
I call this their kitchen sink model because it has temperature, compass, auto dimming, auto LCD brightness, adjustable parking lines, dual RCA inputs, and a remote control, but it doesn't quite have everything. I opted not to get one of their even higher end models with an integrated dashcam because dashcam technology evolves a lot faster than a mirror.
That thing is sweet!