You're right. There should be nothing "entertaining" about people dying. The point was that it is ironic that the same people who dismissed the vaccine that could have saved their lives died for their principals. It's a high price to pay for your beliefs, or on the flip side a Darwinian award worthy moment as they eliminated themselves through ignorance thereby improving our species' chances of long-term survival.
Agreed, that was my point. Yes, it's always terrible when someone dies. It's also hilarious in the Darwin Award sense when the person brings it on him/herself. Don't tell me you haven't laughed over some Darwin Award posts you read, I laugh at all of them. I know there's a real person behind that death but at the same time, it was very easy to avoid that outcome.
Now, to Chingon1's point, yes. There are some who had adverse reactions to the vaccine. I don't discount that fact. However, they are a very, very small percentage of the billions of people world wide who did receive the vaccine.
Absolutely, there are legitimate reasons for a choice few to doubt the benefits or outright refuse. Obviously I'm
not talking about those people, I was talking about the ones who were baselessly
telling everyone else that it was a government hoax, there was no COVID, there were microchips in the vaccine, it changes your DNA, etc., and they were also not even wearing a mask because Freedom. Ok, then they got really sick, at death's door,
finally they see reason and admit, ya, I was totally wrong. No shit, the rest of us knew that, I'm sure many people tried in vain to explain that to you, jackass. Too late now.
Some people have nut allergies and don't even want to be around people who ate peanuts an hour ago, that's understandable though a bit paranoid. And especially at the beginning of the pandemic when there was zero long-term data about how safe the vaccines were (
especially with a pregnancy or history of weak immune system) it was reasonable to have a few doubts. Anyone who was high-risk, or even potentially high-risk, I had no problem with them so long as they did
everything else (masked up, stayed away from others) back when the vaccine was only available to healthcare workers, the military and old people, and
millions of unvaccinated people were dying because sick people were spreading COVID around. Now that it's available everywhere and the majority of people are vaccinated (and proving, day after day, that there's nothing wrong with getting vaccinated) it's much less impactful to be unvaccinated and maybe breathing COVID onto other people. I got COVID once already (first rock concert since COVID shut everything down) but the vaccine reduced it to the equivalent of the flu. I can handle that. But how fucking hard is it to wear a mask? I still do at the grocery store, post office, etc. Cheap insurance.
I'm talking about the idiots who had no
good reason to be against the vaccine. Sure, in their minds they had "reasons" but they made no sense and were conspiracy theory stupid. And they wouldn't even wear a mask to at least hopefully protect other people, they defiantly felt like they had the right to put
others at risk. Fuck them. If they lived through that, great, they should go to Vegas, bet on everything, they can't lose. That is what was entertaining to me, the realization (or irony) after it was too late and they knew that they just doomed themselves for no reason. Serves them right for risking the health of others. At least a few of them were mature enough to admit it and warn others in videos, the
least they could do at that point. That's Darwin Award to me and I won't apologize for laughing at that any more than I laugh at the person who died because he was so cheap that he wouldn't pay for a Coke out of a vending machine so he tried to tip it so the can would fall out and he got crushed by the machine. Again, an actual person died, but that guy was dumb and was asking for it. Everyone I know who's ever read one of those Darwin Award posts laughs even though they know it's a real death. "How could that guy be so stupid?" Ya, my thoughts exactly, how could that idiot fall to his death because he leaned back too far trying to get that cool selfie looking down that canyon? Some people, man.
When there is a
pandemic (a rare occurrence) that's contagious and there are certain steps you should take (vaccine, mask, quarantine) to minimize the risk to yourself
and others, you
do them. As much as you can. Nobody cares if you "believe" it's happening or not. Pitch in and follow the steps. If/when it turns out that it wasn't that dangerous or it's not necessary to do all that,
then ramp down. If you're one of the rare cases that can't really do the vaccine part, then don't.
Totally understandable, I would have done the same if I had a pregnant wife (not having her get the vaccine), though I would have gotten the vaccine (if available) to at least reduce the odds but I would be wearing a mask whenever I was near her, just in case. And have her wear a mask to hopefully protect the kid. My brother has 2 kids, one was too young to get vaccinated during the worst of the pandemic. So he wore a mask everywhere, so did I (so I could visit once in a while). Not much to ask. Now we don't wear masks at his house like before. I would have felt like a total asshole if I'd refused to wear a mask (because it's a hoax!) and then breathed COVID onto his kid and he'd gotten really sick. Not worth it.
If I wind up dying in an incredibly stupid and avoidable way I would expect anyone who hears about it to laugh, I would haunt anyone who tried to say it's not funny because an actual person died you guys.