The Official BirdCats Beer Thread! What are you drinking? 🍺

We couldn't get coors until the late 70's. Even then, we had to drive from east tennessee to middle tennessee. The market at westel got used to us showing up and buying cases of coors and coors light. $2.00 a six, 1.00 if you bought 6 cases, lol. I drove back to Oak Ridge with the whole car loaded with beer more than once; I'd go to the lake, and sell it for what the market would bear, lol. I sold the last case once for $50.
BTW, we have a new member from Nevada, with an sc.
We couldn't get coors until the late 70's. Even then, we had to drive from east tennessee to middle tennessee. The market at westel got used to us showing up and buying cases of coors and coors light. $2.00 a six, 1.00 if you bought 6 cases, lol. I drove back to Oak Ridge with the whole car loaded with beer more than once; I'd go to the lake, and sell it for what the market would bear, lol. I sold the last case once for $50.
BTW, we have a new member from Nevada, with an sc.
Who is the new member from Nevada?
Damn Joe, I was at DIA!

I also had 24 ounces lol
Too funny!

It was a spur of the moment trip, she had no idea we were coming and was totally surprised! We flew home Tuesday morning.

Next time I go out there I'll double check to see if you might be there.

We couldn't get coors until the late 70's. Even then, we had to drive from east tennessee to middle tennessee. The market at westel got used to us showing up and buying cases of coors and coors light. $2.00 a six, 1.00 if you bought 6 cases, lol. I drove back to Oak Ridge with the whole car loaded with beer more than once; I'd go to the lake, and sell it for what the market would bear, lol. I sold the last case once for $50.
BTW, we have a new member from Nevada, with an sc.

I only know this because of Smokey and the bandit :tongue:

Too funny!

It was a spur of the moment trip, she had no idea we were coming and was totally surprised! We flew home Tuesday morning.

Next time I go out there I'll double check to see if you might be there.


I ended up out there more often the]is year for a few medical issues my mom was having(she's fine) but I'm usually out there in holiday season or around her and my birthday around this time of year. :zbeer:
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I only know this because of Smokey and the bandit :tongue:
It was all some union dispute, I heard. :zshrug:

I'm wrong, again, lol. It wasn't pasturized, and had to be delivered cold, lol. and no taxes were collected, since no distributed locally. So, I could've killed everyone at the lake with deadly, rotten beer, lol. Man, I should not think that is as funny as I do.
Nobody died from the beer, that I know of. Few got shot,but, you should always remember not to park your Jap bike beside the outlaws MC president. That does not go well. My dirt bike looked so strange, they tolerated it pretty well. :) But I'd never park among them. That's considered disrespectful.
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It was all some union dispute, I heard. :zshrug:

I'm wrong, again, lol. It wasn't pasturized, and had to be delivered cold, lol. and no taxes were collected, since no distributed locally. So, I could've killed everyone at the lake with deadly, rotten beer, lol. Man, I should not think that is as funny as I do.
Nobody died from the beer, that I know of. Few got shot,but, you should always remember not to park your Jap bike beside the outlaws MC president. That does not go well. My dirt bike looked so strange, they tolerated it pretty well. :) But I'd never park among them. That's considered disrespectful.

I think the temperature thing is more a concern for the truckers who have cases getting baked in the trailers on hot sunny days for days upon days. I mean half the time I buy a case of banquet it’s not in the refrigerated section, just the regular shelf. 24 packs I usually leave half in the pantry to save fridge space.


I don’t think I’ll be comingling with any outlaw biker gangs lol
Good idea. I read that since 85 or so, all beer is pasteurized. Coors wasn't listed as an exception, but they would have to say it on the label. People with immune disorders can't drink unpasteurized stuff, iirc. so apple juice, orange juice, all that stuff is now.
When I first started drinking beer, it was just at the transition of cans that required an opener (Church key)to the pull tab type.
One day, long after the transition, we found a six that had one can that was old style. :) My buddy claimed it, and was instantly sick when he poured some out, and slime dripped out, lol. I didn't drink from any cans for a while, switched to miller high life in clear glass, lol.
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I remember Coors cans had 2 holes to push in when you wanted to drink it. A small one for air and a larger one to drink out of. It wasn't pasteurized until the 60s I think when they started canning it. When it showed up in the New England area we all thought we died and went to beer heaven!

We found it in about 75, illegally imported from Arkansas. The guy that owned the truckstop was connected, from what I heard.
They had the first punched aluminum can; those were pull tab, like everything else tho. Other cans at the time were 3 pieces, seam on top and bottom. People would use a church key on the bottom, to shotgun a beer, lol. I had a church key on my key ring until the 90's, iirc. Wherever my wrecked subaru is now, I'm sure there is one in it somewhere.People on ludes should not drive...
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Well..I'm having a Coors Banquet right about now. Hee Hee!
Pancreatitis is not fun.

I did day drinking yesterday, and was in bed by 4pm,Didn't get back up for hours, lol.
I really like a cold Corona with a lime on a hot day and slam down a pizza with it. But my wife bought Corona low carb (diabetic) and yeah, we had a pizza and beer yesterday while watching a movie, but seriously? I am glad I don't have to lower my standards (yet). Needless to say, I did not enjoy the beer or the pizza that much. The movie was not bad!


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