Well, I pulled the rusted-out hulk of what used to be a fuel pump out of my SC tank today. I know for a fact that it hadn't been in there more than 10 years!
It was so rusty that chunks fell off it in to the tank. Of course I had just put in 5 gallons of 93 octane in. The tank was bone dry before that. I recovered most of the fuel and I'll have to filter it before putting in back in. There was so much crap in the tank that I had to flush it. I stuck the wand of a pressure washer on the inside (2100psi) with a wide angle tip. The water that came out was FULL of rust chunks.
Anyway, the reason for the post is that when I bought the car, the previous owner put in a 119 LPH walbro pump. It was written on the duct tape he used to re-secure the aluminized padding back over the tank vent. The rusty hulk I pulled out was one I'd put in around 2015. Seeing the volume of the pump I pulled out in 2015 written on the duct tape (I didn't remove the tank completely in 2015) got me curious. When I ordered the new fuel pump last night I checked the part number for a 96 4.6 and then for my 94 SC. They were the same part number. Today I looked up the specs of the pump I ordered and it listed the minimum flow rate as 18 gallons per hour. This is only 68 liters per hour. There are two different ones sold on SuperCoupe Performance, a 190LPH and a 255LPH. With the one I'm getting from O'Rielly being only 68LPH, should I be concerned? MY SC is completely stock.

It was so rusty that chunks fell off it in to the tank. Of course I had just put in 5 gallons of 93 octane in. The tank was bone dry before that. I recovered most of the fuel and I'll have to filter it before putting in back in. There was so much crap in the tank that I had to flush it. I stuck the wand of a pressure washer on the inside (2100psi) with a wide angle tip. The water that came out was FULL of rust chunks.
Anyway, the reason for the post is that when I bought the car, the previous owner put in a 119 LPH walbro pump. It was written on the duct tape he used to re-secure the aluminized padding back over the tank vent. The rusty hulk I pulled out was one I'd put in around 2015. Seeing the volume of the pump I pulled out in 2015 written on the duct tape (I didn't remove the tank completely in 2015) got me curious. When I ordered the new fuel pump last night I checked the part number for a 96 4.6 and then for my 94 SC. They were the same part number. Today I looked up the specs of the pump I ordered and it listed the minimum flow rate as 18 gallons per hour. This is only 68 liters per hour. There are two different ones sold on SuperCoupe Performance, a 190LPH and a 255LPH. With the one I'm getting from O'Rielly being only 68LPH, should I be concerned? MY SC is completely stock.