Finance Thread - What stocks are you in, etc.

Holy fuck. I don't even want to talk about it. 🤐

Hold tight. The market is taking a breather. The drop is across the board. Look for lower entry points to average down your positions.

I'll be happy to take a look at your portfolio if you want to PM me we can discuss positions and options in private if you're interested.

I've got my losers too, it's not all cake and Ice cream.
Hold tight. The market is taking a breather. The drop is across the board. Look for lower entry points to average down your positions.

I hope it's having a breather after taking a huge shit for the whole past week.

I'm still good; haven't dropped to my buy in points for the most part - it was just all that unrealized gain went from 130% to 60% .. 🥴
I wish I knew how to trade. I got let go back in March 2000 and stuck my 10K in an IRA as a tax avoidance and that lying POS at Raymond James put me in 3-4 mutual funds that had a good record. in a year i had $2500 and I said F it and split it into GE & Ford. GE never recovered and I sold in 2015 for half what I paid. Ford went up to 15 so I took my $ and haven't been back Guess not having a teacher makes a difference. My new boss started talking about covered options or something like that and I just don't have much stomach nor time to follow stuff. Hell i have worked my butt off to raise 3 kids who are now in BIG school so I guess I can someday take a vacation. I just can't play rigged games like lottery.
I wish I knew how to trade. I got let go back in March 2000 and stuck my 10K in an IRA as a tax avoidance and that lying POS at Raymond James put me in 3-4 mutual funds that had a good record. in a year i had $2500 and I said F it and split it into GE & Ford. GE never recovered and I sold in 2015 for half what I paid. Ford went up to 15 so I took my $ and haven't been back Guess not having a teacher makes a difference. My new boss started talking about covered options or something like that and I just don't have much stomach nor time to follow stuff. Hell i have worked my butt off to raise 3 kids who are now in BIG school so I guess I can someday take a vacation. I just can't play rigged games like lottery.
I hear ya. It’s so important to do your own investing. My Dad got cleaned out like that by Merrill Lynch. They put his money in funds with 6 and 7% front loads and then churned them into other funds with 6 and 7% front loads about a year later. I was so pissed when I discovered what they had done but there was nothing I could do because mom & dad hired them as their “advisers”. 🤬
I lost a shit ton of money today. 😅
Oh yeah, I’m down a lot too this week. Until I sell it’s just a number on a piece of paper. Consider it a buying opportunity on your winners to add to your position.

This whole month. Sounds like a great buying opportunity - except I already cleared out all of my free cash from mutual funds 🤪 went from a solid 5% APY to ( -20% ) so far.

The thing that irritates me about the fed rate cut is that a lot of big tech companies have announced these mass layoffs .. Intel for example, to improve their bottom line .. 15k employees - stuff like that will reflect on the unemployment numbers the feds use to determine the "state of the economy" .. 🙄
This whole month. Sounds like a great buying opportunity - except I already cleared out all of my free cash from mutual funds 🤪 went from a solid 5% APY to ( -20% ) so far.

The thing that irritates me about the fed rate cut is that a lot of big tech companies have announced these mass layoffs .. Intel for example, to improve their bottom line .. 15k employees - stuff like that will reflect on the unemployment numbers the feds use to determine the "state of the economy" .. 🙄
Intel has issues unrelated to the Fed. Yes. Great buying opportunities. I’ll be doing some research this weekend looking for entry points.

Sasha Y. did a great commentary on the situation. This guy’s great. His delivery style reminds me of Jeremy Clarkson.

I'll be happy to take a look at your portfolio


My 401k is currently equally distributed between all of these funds. I have been contributing somewhere between $20-25k on a yearly basis - but I can shift my portfolio around to go heavier on any of these funds at any time .. 🤔 I'll be stacking this one for the next 20+ years.

My personal invesement portfolio with Schwab is another matter ( composed entirely of stocks ) .. I started this one in 2017, throwing extra money, about $300 a week, for the Chevy SS fund to help cover monthly payment, accessories, tires, weekends at the track, supercharger, etc .. but as of now, I've already paid off the car and finished my desired build - so that extra money was throw at stock purchases .. my original goal after the SS was paid off was to start saving to put a nice down payment on a C8 Corvette. I'm just not as enthusiastic about making this purchase now as I was in 2020 with insane dealership markups and these high interest rates on a new loan. 🙄
You're in All of those funds !? Holy Crap!

That's crazy. Personally I'm not a fan of funds at all. Funds follow indexes and you can do that on your own. But, if those are your only choices in that account then pick and stick with only one or two of the funds. Are those funds your only choices in that account? Is there a self-directed-brokerage option?

Those target date funds are the worst. Their returns suck and their fees are high. Have you looked at the fund fees on all of those funds? I bet you're paying a fortune in fund fees to maintain that list.

If you want to, PM me the details of your Schwab account and I'll be happy to review it for you. Don't post it publicly. Roughly $300 a week is a fantastic savings rate!

Yes, Definitely don't spend it on a car! Let that money grow towards your retirement. Vehicles are one of the worst investments next to say, lottery tickets. Just don't go there!
Is there a self-directed-brokerage option?

Yes, I just need to sign a waiver to self direct funds.

Have you looked at the fund fees on all of those funds?

It's managed by a 3rd party; the funds are consolidated into one account called the Balanced Pool .. my admin fees come out to $240 / yr.

Vehicles are one of the worst investments next to say, lottery tickets.

Wife wants me to buy her a new Tahoe or Suburban .. 🙄 The SS has surprising retained 90% of its original price ( $50k ) even at 40k miles. Some people got lucky when GM was offering 20% below MSRP ( $37500 ) .. there were a few resold for $60k during the 2020 time period when car values actually went up.

Lottery tickets are like the stock market; can't win if you don't play. I hit 6 out of 7 numbers on the Super Lotto a few years back; if the digits were reversed on my 7th, I would have hit $1.2 million .. instead of the $1200 I recieved. 😉

I'll see if I can snap a shot from one of my personal statements .. so you can laugh. 🤣
Awesome! It's great that your SS has retained it's value. That's not common. But the SS you have is a really desirable car. That's why.

Admin fees and fund fees are billed separately. Admin fees are withdrawn on the front end, the fund fees are withdrawn from your holdings within the fund on the back end (they skim it off the top) You're paying a lot more than $240/yr. You just don't see it. I'd look closely at the fees for each of those funds.

True, you can't win if you don't play. But play smart! The odds on stocks are way better than the odds on lottery tickets.
PLTR reversed on an earnings beat (UP ~ 14 to 16% after hours). A ray of sunshine among the chaos on the street right now.

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