Post a picture you took today

Looks like you need a skid loader to to it on it's side and weld some plates in there. That, some POR15, and it's good for a long time again.
Plan is to pull the deck plating off and repair as needed. And add some heavier crossbeams.
Made an attempt at tinting a spare cluster lense - with marginal success. Much like anal bleaching, tinting is best left to professionals.

The idea here was to replicate a Continental type cluster which is entirely dark when the ignition is off. However, even my LEDs aren't bright enough to produce good legibility behind such tint. Worth experimenting with though.

View attachment 1992
Wonder how it would look with the faces that you scrubbed the green filter off of? Think that would be bright enough?
Wonder how it would look with the faces that you scrubbed the green filter off of? Think that would be bright enough?

Yes and no.

Those faces are much brighter, but the needles would stay the same. Current situation (=white needles with green filter faces) produces approximately the same brightness of faces and needles.

Without the green filter, that balance is gone, likely due to the way the bulbs are mounted which favors the faces. Changing that would require more internal modification and/or different bulbs.

It's not impossible. I remember Panther owners who used LED strips along the inner wall of the cluster. I just used plug&play LED bulbs.

I may play around with a spare cluster when I find one. But truthfully, this is purely nostalgia on my part because I used to own a 2000 Continental. In terms of legibility, the cluster is actually perfect as it is now: clear lense with always-on illumination. No matter what ambient lighting is like, I can read everything. On the Continental, if the sun hit the cluster in the wrong way, it produced a momentary blind spot.
Shot of me running "tree turn".

Shows that I need to upgrade my sway bars.

I have an experiment I'm gonna try first.
Good eye, I took two grills and cut them apart, then plastic welded it back together. I will be putting a bird in the opening, just need to make a metal bracket to support it. I also switched to the 94-95 headlights.
Big Horn sheep.
The sign often gets a y added to it on the highway.
View attachment 2053
Around here there are many towns that are named after the waterfalls near them.
Granite Falls, Falls City, Twin Falls to name a few.
I have seen the signs for nearly all of them occasionally changed to Granite Balls, Balls City, Twin Balls.
Briefly looked at the other place


Take an English course, bro.
That was probably Jeff who wrote that post.

That thought crossed my mind, I taunted him a tad with some throwaway usernames that I registered after the ban (knowing he'd have to approve them) so maybe this was his way of getting the last word lol
Those aren't factory spoilers is why, when they were added on by dealers or owners after the fact they were simply left with both
Those will kill your pets. And you, if you were dumb enough to eat them, lol. The local variety are red underneath; but people here die every year,lol.
The last really good mushrooms I had were actually rice cakes, made by a friend. :) I traded a 350 Kawasaki for $500, and a foot high stack of 'rice cakes', lol.

So this month is "Purple diamonds"

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