Post a picture you took today

My favorite snack stations are the ones that offer copious quantities of diabetes chocolate!
The running joke in my dealership is that I'm the "Diabetus Deliverer" cause I keep a bowl filled with candies on my desk. Kit Kats, Hershey's, Reese's, ect. Any kind of chocolate. Everybody "hates it" but then gets pissed when the bowl is empty
this guy came and parked in front of me in Salmon Arm yesterday, so I got out and talked to him for a bit. He was probably surprised by my knowledge of the easy rod kits. He said the back was the kit, and the front is made of some of the real stuff. It is hub swapped, and I am unsure of what else he did to it. I was commenting to him that the tbird guys would frown on it, and he said that both the front and rear were damaged when he got it, so he actually saved it.
I guess he had a 2004 that got totalled, and he used the payout to build this one.
Yes, I talk to Thunderbird people who I randomly meet.


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Usually the only one I talk to about having one, is "I used to have one of those." I've only met one fella. I saw him buying a V6 in a parking lot, and later saw him somewhere else. He straight piped it and revved it for me.
I stopped next to a haggard ass white one once at a red light, they didn't look for more than a second.
There was a really nice red one that honked at me, but we were headed in opposite directions

I remember seeing a really nice black one driven by an old woman, back when my car was out of commission. Broke my heart even though I knew I was getting mine back
I get the "I used to have one of those" comments too. There's a 97 pearl white sport I've seen in my area a few times but I've never caught the owner to say hi, I just saw it in a parking lot last week picking up Chinese food but natch I was driving the Focus :facepalm:.

10-15 years ago when these were more common the non-club owners were kinda sketchy lol
This was about 17 years ago, Imagine my surprise when I come home one day and there is a Tbird parked in front of my house (not unusual for me).. turns out my sister is dating this guy who just happens to drive a Tbird and he's not here to talk to me. 🫢
One of my cousins had an older one, with the auto seat belts, and a 3.8. I gave her the old site to show her husband for help with the belts.

When I click the logo banner, it goes to this screen and not the new posts page. I do not like this change.

View attachment 1885

When I click the logo banner, it goes to this screen and not the new posts page. I do not like this change.


Unless it was changed in the interim that's the default; logo takes you to forum home. I didn't even think that could be changed, but if it was changed and changed back it's probably @theterminator93's fault! :rofl:
Ya, I liked the other way, but have gone to going the lightening bolt for new posts
View attachment 1885

When I click the logo banner, it goes to this screen and not the new posts page. I do not like this change.

I agree with this. This is especially because those subforums above the fold are not going to get meaningful traffic. It would be far better to default to recently updated threads and show forum activity.
Hmm, I did set the "forum root" to the index, not the new posts page, which is typical for forums. I'm thinking way back to the OG vBulletin days of the 2000s and 2010s. I hadn't even realized it was set up that way until the hate mail started flying! :uppoint:

If the change is that hated I can change it back.

Hmm, I did set the "forum root" to the index, not the new posts page, which is typical for forums. I'm thinking way back to the OG vBulletin days of the 2000s and 2010s. I hadn't even realized it was set up that way until the hate mail started flying! :uppoint:

If the change is that hated I can change it back.

I wouldn't say it's hated, but forums are no longer the high-traffic destinations they once were. For a niche with continually dwindling interest like MN12s, rather than say, a whole car brand where you'd want to differentiate by different model subforums, the way that XenForo added support for new posts as a default display option makes sense. In a smaller community, it's better for people to be presented with all the new content rather than have to seek it out, especially if the top-listed subforums are low-traffic ones like Club Related.

What didn't make sense was VS's "Recommended for you" implementation which achieved neither objective of displaying a forum list nor the latest posts, and was some combination of duct tape and BS that clearly makes no sense on ultra low traffic forums like the old place.
Along those lines - is the "similar threads" box useful or in the way? I can turn it off; IMHO it's not showing super relevant info.
I wouldn't say it's hated, but forums are no longer the high-traffic destinations they once were. For a niche with continually dwindling interest like MN12s, rather than say, a whole car brand where you'd want to differentiate by different model subforums, the way that XenForo added support for new posts as a default display option makes sense. In a smaller community, it's better for people to be presented with all the new content rather than have to seek it out, especially if the top-listed subforums are low-traffic ones like Club Related.

What didn't make sense was VS's "Recommended for you" implementation which achieved neither objective of displaying a forum list nor the latest posts, and was some combination of duct tape and BS that clearly makes no sense on ultra low traffic forums like the old place.
Agreed. It's one thing for a forum like VWvortex or even a Mustang forum that covers a wide range of cars with subforums for each model. Bit different for us considering we're (thankfully) pigeonholed to one generation of a model.
Along those lines - is the "similar threads" box useful or in the way? I can turn it off; IMHO it's not showing super relevant info.
I'd be curious what others think, but it's not useful at the moment, especially in this thread. However, if you look at similar threads at the end of a thread that Martin made in the Interior subforum, it does make sense there. Whether the feature is truly useful or not is up for debate.
It will be useful as the forum grows and we get more content imported over from the old site. It makes searching for a topic easier, IMO.
That's the case with any single generation of a car model. Over time there will be fewer chassis intact and even the owners will find fewer things to work on and discuss.

It could be worse. Like I said last month, I forgot the Ford Tempo even existed.
Personally I always felt the recommended threads cluttered the forum, plus it made them get bumped out of the blue where someone would answer a question to a topic resolved over 10 years ago. Likewise the similar threads here.

OTOH I’m conflicted about the banner destination, I see both arguments for it; bringing it to forum home seems like the norm for most forums I’ve been on(though in the old days it actually directed you to the dedicated webpage that had the tech articles, fleet of fame and pic of the day stuff). But using it to bring up new posts does seem maybe a little more user friendly.

That's the case with any single generation of a car model. Over time there will be fewer chassis intact and even the owners will find fewer things to work on and discuss.

It could be worse. Like I said last month, I forgot the Ford Tempo even existed.

I wouldn’t say that. You’re correct that there are fewer and fewer cars left for owners to find but the ones that do will always have something to discuss. Realistically everything I did to my car with the exception of a few things were done by people well before I joined the original forum, but it didn’t stop me from asking questions to clear things up and of course posting my projects and ideas… maybe to excess lol

That is the saving grace with these cars, where the Tempo truly was disposable and now fully thrown away MN12s which they made way less off still can be found if you look for them, and based on some of the price I’ve seen decent ones listed for, people appear to be less inclined to call the wrecker to “get rid of that old car” and instead put it on the market. Same thing that happened to many classic cars, even the more mundane ones like 302 Torinos, most got junked but the survivors were kept, restored, restomodded or just parked (“I’ll fix it up one of these days”). I think MN12s are turning that corner.

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