Post a picture you took today

My nixie tube clock was built by a guy in Kiev, and they shipped it to me in the midst of the missile strikes earlier this year. Took about 2 weeks to get here - faster than some domestic coast-to-coast shipments! :beek:
If the front factory air suspension fails / bottoms out, the shock towers can separate from the body. The welded notch provides a little more reinforcement to this area.
Would there be any benefit of welding up that bird? Stock lx spring rates are about 360-400, I currently have 550lbs up front, would the added spring rate affect this area? Those spot welds look skimp on a 3800lb car
Would there be any benefit of welding up that bird? Stock lx spring rates are about 360-400, I currently have 550lbs up front, would the added spring rate affect this area? Those spot welds look skimp on a 3800lb car
I welded mine. My current spring rate is 784lbs linear.
@Wile E. Coyote is this a dedicated track car?? Do you have pictures?Was thinking of going to 6-650lbs. Rear I vogtlands 1.6” and they suck, linear is where it’s at.

@dDUBb dukes of hazard style?? Yea never gonna happen with my bird.
@Wile E. Coyote is this a dedicated track car?? Do you have pictures?Was thinking of going to 6-650lbs. Rear I vogtlands 1.6” and they suck, linear is where it’s at.

@dDUBb dukes of hazard style?? Yea never gonna happen with my bird.
Never say never. And yes its a dedicated drift car.

Ill get photos later. I have a few from when I sent the upper control arm through the shock tower on another device
Sounds familiar. That really is crazy, they seemed like such a giant in the modern automotive scene, but some idiots with MBAs step in and it dissolves into irrelevancy in what, a year?
It was entertaining content, it was a cool lifestyle business, but how profitable was it, really? Even if the content covered their costs (inc. payroll), would they still have a show without KB bankrolling a crazy new car build OR car builders willing to "invest" in getting their name out if it wasn't tied to as large a brand name as KB? Do the drag race or "lemme show you my build" videos really make that much money as a business to cover payroll? I dunno.

I suspect their biggest bankroller unfortunately got squished by a snowmobile (which goes to show you those things are $@#$@#$ dangerous -- if Ken M-Fn Block cannot ride them safely there's a reason they are one of the most dangeous vehicles sold).

I know there are other folks who can drive as similarly flamboyantly, have similarly popular names (Travis Pastrana comes to mind), and have made Gymkhana videos... but how many are willing to continue doing these builds under the Hoonigan brand... instead of their own (TP199)

At some point, you've got to consider: do you try to keep this going until Lia Block becomes a big enough brand name (she just won her first Rally Championship - that she can carry on the family brand? After all, Danica Patrick was one of the worst drivers in Nascar BUT still a top draw and money maker (if only they let her improve OR left her in open wheel vs rushing her into the top tier of murrican racin' -

OR, do you cash out while there is still existing revenue from prior content, employees to generate that revenue, and merch sales b/c of nostalgia by playing the greater fool theory.

Honestly, if faced with the same situation, I'd do the same: even if Hoonigan as a brand dies, if Lia improved as a racer and became more of a public figure (she's still a kid), the Block name could become as synonymous with rally/drifting/whatever as Earnhardt is to Nascar.

Do you remember that crazy Porsche tuner Gemballa? The original brand was sold off years ago (still operates now) but Uwe's son started another boutique company - Marc Philipp Gemballa doing the exact same thing (crazy porsches for supercar money).
PS. If I was going to burn ths kind of cash on a Porsche, I'd buy a Singer or a Tuthill Porsche 911K.
It was entertaining content, it was a cool lifestyle business, but how profitable was it, really? Even if the content covered their costs (inc. payroll), would they still have a show without KB bankrolling a crazy new car build OR car builders willing to "invest" in getting their name out if it wasn't tied to as large a brand name as KB? Do the drag race or "lemme show you my build" videos really make that much money as a business to cover payroll? I dunno.

I suspect their biggest bankroller unfortunately got squished by a snowmobile (which goes to show you those things are $@#$@#$ dangerous -- if Ken M-Fn Block cannot ride them safely there's a reason they are one of the most dangeous vehicles sold).

I know there are other folks who can drive as similarly flamboyantly, have similarly popular names (Travis Pastrana comes to mind), and have made Gymkhana videos... but how many are willing to continue doing these builds under the Hoonigan brand... instead of their own (TP199)

At some point, you've got to consider: do you try to keep this going until Lia Block becomes a big enough brand name (she just won her first Rally Championship - that she can carry on the family brand? After all, Danica Patrick was one of the worst drivers in Nascar BUT still a top draw and money maker (if only they let her improve OR left her in open wheel vs rushing her into the top tier of murrican racin' -

OR, do you cash out while there is still existing revenue from prior content, employees to generate that revenue, and merch sales b/c of nostalgia by playing the greater fool theory.

Honestly, if faced with the same situation, I'd do the same: even if Hoonigan as a brand dies, if Lia improved as a racer and became more of a public figure (she's still a kid), the Block name could become as synonymous with rally/drifting/whatever as Earnhardt is to Nascar.

Do you remember that crazy Porsche tuner Gemballa? The original brand was sold off years ago (still operates now) but Uwe's son started another boutique company - Marc Philipp Gemballa doing the exact same thing (crazy porsches for supercar money).
PS. If I was going to burn ths kind of cash on a Porsche, I'd buy a Singer or a Tuthill Porsche 911K.

I don’t disagree with any of that and as far as the inner business workings there I only know as much as I’ve observed, but it definitely seemed a bit unsustainable, but then the company is called Hoonigan lol

Frankly as far as content outside of the cornerstone Ken Block Gymkhana videos the only Hoonigan YouTube content that I thought was actually entertaining were the loading dock videos at the old Long Beach location but that was a long time ago now. When they got away from that (inevitably due to noise complaints) it seemed like they just turned into discount mythbusters and/or jackass with cars on racetracks 🥱, and when they moved the much bigger place in Compton to resume on-site antics it didn’t have nearly the wild and crazy entertainment value of the old much smaller loading dock where people would bring in really nice cars and frequently have close calls and sometimes rip off their bumpers on walls or crash into the gates from the tight space.
With some of the birthday money I got, I ended up supplying myself with a personal coffee maker at the office. Coffee pot and all other supplies needed was about $35. All because I don't want to be paying $1/cup from our office snack bar.


I've been thinking about ditching my Keurig for something like that. I don't like the lack of flavor from the Keurig. Also thought about a water heating device and using a French press instead.
With some of the birthday money I got, I ended up supplying myself with a personal coffee maker at the office. Coffee pot and all other supplies needed was about $35. All because I don't want to be paying $1/cup from our office snack bar.

View attachment 1821

View attachment 1822

Oh that would so be me! I've done the same thing on jobs. Buy a pot and supplies to make coffee in my hotel room. Most rooms have small coffee makers that are so nasty and coffee packets that are God knows how old; or a Keurig machine with those nasty plastic pods that are also God knows how old.

I'm such a coffee snob I'll dig through the coffee bags on the shelf at the store looking for the one in the back that has the most recent roasted on date!

You won't regret having your own pot at your desk. Just make sure it has an auto cut off. Don't want that pot forgotten, left on, running over the weekend and burning the office down.
I've been thinking about ditching my Keurig for something like that. I don't like the lack of flavor from the Keurig. Also thought about a water heating device and using a French press instead.
That's what I do at the office. Electric kettle with an Ikea French press. Simple yet tastes infinitely better than any kind of drip coffee. I also drink hot tea, so the kettle works for either drink.

At the house, we have a Breville Barista Pro. But that's a different kind of fun.
French press is also great because you can make cold pressed coffee. Just put regular water in with the coffee at around 4 PM, press it down like 5% and put it in the fridge overnight. Periodically push the plunger down gradually here and there. Great flavor. I drink coffee black because I'm lazy, and black is great with cold press

I go in and out of phase for coffee, and go to green tea in between. Got to build and destroy a tolerance to coffee to enjoy the finer aspects, just like anything else
I use a refillable cup in my Keurig so I can choose my flavors and save a lot of money. Plus I don't drink the melted plastic. But it's still a pain to fill that little cup and/or clean it. I too, drink tea, so the electric kettle seems like a good choice for me, along with the French press. I think I'm sold.
You can technically use a French press to steep loose leaf tea. Not the recommended process, but it does work.

I also have the Ikea tea steeper for loose leaf tea.
I actually brought my office supplies home today for their weekly trip to the dishwasher. Here they are with the Breville.


I'm a bit of a snob. My morning coffee(s) is a black Americano. My wife is into all the latte stuff but I've never enjoyed that. My office coffee is from the French press. I use the Breville to grind it each day before I go to the office. If I have to go out during the day, I make a to-go cup before I leave the office.

Grog, if you're into coffee, I get all my beans from Sunago in Hardin Valley. Their espresso beans are phenomenal.
I do have a K-Cup machine in our breakroom and I keep it stocked with quality coffee. It's the little things that keep employees happy. :biggrin:

If you can get it, Cameron's brand has "eco" cups that are non plastic. It's the best k cups as far as that goes. I buy that brand ground coffee
I've seen those. The San Francisco Bay pods in the photo I posted are the same style. They seem to work really well.
We bitched for years to get a snack machine, and when they finally gave in, it was mostly full of granola-type bullshit; I kept a stock of stuff in my cabinet, and sold it to friends. I caught the machine open one day, while the guy went to the bathroom, and loaded good stuff in the racks he hadn't filled. They got 50+ compliments, in a building with 16 people, lol. After it went back to crap, there were over 100 complaints. After they started loading normal stuff, my boss was talking to me and made a comment about cheetos, and how she didn't have to see me to get a bag, and I apparently grinned to big, lol. She knew immediately that I was behind it. She then told me who it was that made them get granola; his name was mud for a while, lol. The snack guy said it tripled his take on our account. :) Win-win.

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