A few from the past month:
Santee River floodplain - Andrews, SC (water line is roughly 8')
Abandoned artificial wetland on an old farm site - Nesmith, SC
Abandoned Ford 600 tractor - Nesmith, SC
George Washington Oak - Hampton Plantation - McClellanville, SC
Live oaks - Hampton Plantation - McClellanville, SC
Front porch overlooking the George Washington Oak; looking down Holly Avenue - Hampton Plantation - McClellanville, SC
Swig & Swine - Wando, SC
Goose Creek, SC
Lewis Barbecue - Charleston, SC
Lower casemates - Fort Sumter - Charleston, SC
General W.K. Wilson Jr. Bridge ("Dolly Parton Bridge" locally) - Mobile-Tensaw River Delta - Mobile, AL
Lantana camara (at my neighbor's house) - Eight Mile, AL