I just don't see it. His play always seemed crude to me, almost bored, and lacking authenticity. Connery looked like a guy who was told to wear a suit; Moore looked comfortable wearing it.
And the movies...I think that's very much a generational thing. Connery's films are very dated to me. With Moore's films, the writing changed and Bond became more complex. In TMWTGG, there's a scene where Scaramanga tells Bond that they had a lot in common. Bond replys by saying: there's a very useful four-letter word, and you are full of it. I don't remember Connery's Bond ever expressing much of an opinion.
And A View to a Kill... Yes, he was too old. Yes, it lacks an exotic destination. It almost feels like a made-for-TV movie at times.
But it has Walken and Jones, who have fantastic chemistry with each other. And that scene where they want to drown Bond and he breathes air from the tire: total teachable moment when I was a kid; that's how I'll do it if ever anyone wants to drown me (preferably in a Rolls-Royce). And the Eiffel Tower jump!
My mother preferred Connery, too. I once asked her why. She said because of the chest hair.
Connery had a swagger that worked, it just fit the same way Aston Martin fit even though I love Moore’s Lotus Esprit’s.
Generationally speaking the first Bond in my personal lifetime was Brosnan, (possibly Dalton lisence to kill may have been my birth year). I prefer the Moore movies in spite of them predating my existence by quite a bit, Connery I recognize how dated they are but otoh he’s like a 60s Pontiac GTO; a muscle car not as statistically great as others but has style that surpasses all. The visual image of 007 is most definitely Connery, but Moore is still my favorite Bond, in the same way I truly think the most important/iconic muscle car is the GTO yet it’s way low on my list of favorite muscle cars from the era.
Personally to me it’s somewhat of a tie. Connery had less movies in the role I like but the ones I like were great, Moore had more movies I like but do I necessarily think he was the best Bond? I’m conflicted. I think most Bonds beyond those two were doing imitations of either or both, but Connery and Moore were original enough in their own rights to earn their status as the character without debate. Moore for me was just more fun.